Part 21

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"Maxwell, if I could give you any advice it's to just do everything Master Biersack says and never talk back," Alan says as he opens up my cell and leads me down a hallway to a small office where he, Master Biersack, sits with Alan's owner, Master Austin.

"That's a $100,000 dollar down payment and he has a $50,000 return policy. He also has a policy where after a week you don't like him you can bring him back no questions asked for all your money, anyone after that is when you have to pay," Austin explain, I feel as if it's like he's buying a TV but no, he's buying me.

I'm loaded into a limbo and soon we take off I stare out the window and yawn but I could've swear I saw a boy with bright red hair with a curly honey blonde boy and another boy with a blonde but it could just me my imagination.

— —

"Watch out Michael," Ashton says pulling his boyfriend out of the way of a black limbo. Luke chuckles as Michael flips off the driver receiving a death glare back.

"I just want Calum," Michael mumbles and runs across the street to a giant warehouse. He goes in to be confronted with a front desk,

"Hello sir, would you like to buy a Slave today?" A small ginger boy asks

"Have you seen–" Ashton elbows Michael and looks at the boy,

"Yeah we're here to look," Ashton says.

The small boy leads the three through the halls of cages. "Did you or do you by chance have a small boy with dark brown curly hair and brown eyes? Possibly wore a skirt," Luke asks and the small gingers eyes light up,

"Maxwell! I mean, yes sir, he was bought earlier today," he says and Ashton smiles Maxwell, of course he chose Maxwell.

"Could we know who by? We just need to visit him," Michael says, "we have some clothes he left when he lived with us," the boy nods and leads them to an office.

"Hello Master, these three need to visit Maxwell and needs Mr. Biersack's information to get to him," the boy tells his boyfriend and owner Austin.

"Sit Down Boys, his name is Andy Biersack and he lives here," he gives them a paper with the address. "Do you Own Maxwell?" Austin asks.

"Yes," Luke says and Austin nods.

"I'll give Biersack a Call then and a refund and you can have him. You know this business isn't built on stealing loved ones,"

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