Part 18

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Calum giggles racing Niall back to put their aprons away. "Ha," Calum laughs and Alex walks over flour all over him from making pastries.

"We did pretty good today, boys," he says and Tales off his apron as well. "I say we have celebrational hot cocoas." Alex says and they cheer walking into the drink area and Jack is already ahead of them  and hands out the hot chocolate goodness.

"Ready to go to mine?" Niall asks linking arms with Calum.

"Yes!" Calum says loudly and the two skip out into the sunny day. They are going the five blocks to get to Niall's house when Niall comes up with a good idea.

"Want to play a game?" Niall asks and Calum of course loving games nods.

"One Of us goes this way and the other goes the alleyways and we'll see which route is faster," Niall explains and Calum nods thinking.

"I'll go the shortcuts!" Calum decides and Niall giggles and nods.

"Ok on a count of three!" Niall says, "one, two," Niall giggles and starts running.

"Hey! Not fair!" Calum yells after him while running his own way.

"Hey baby," a guy winks standing up from his spot on the ground and walking in front of Calum to block his way.

"H-hi, I need to catch up with a friend so can I just–" Calum tries to push by the guy's friends come over as well.

"Looks like we've hit gold, mates," a guy with a British accent smirks and a tall guy who stands with head to toe tattoos grabs Calum's butt pushing up his short shirt while he was at it.

"Mmm, I agree," the man says and a guy with red hair walks away coming back a minute later with a cloth.

"Ok this won't hurt, we just need to knock you out so you don't know where we're taking you," he says softly, he gently covers Calum's nose and mouth with it and Calum holds his breath as long as he cans but the men are persistent and finally Calum gives in and breathes soon falling into the sweet sweet abyss.


Niall makes it home very quickly and laughs, "ha take that Calum!" He yells and dances around the front of his and his boyfriend's house. Five minutes pass by and Niall sits down on the steps, ten minutes pass by and Niall nervously goes inside the house scared something happened to Calum.

"Hey Niall, how was Work?" Harry asks greeting Niall with a kiss. He immediately notices that Niall looks scared though and pulls him over to the couch.
"Are you ok?" He asks.

"Cal-Calum was coming h-home with me and we de-decided to play a game and I ran the long wa-way and he ran the alleyways and it's now been fifteen minutes...." Niall says quietly. Harry jumps up and grabs his phone.

"Who are you calling?" Niall asks and Harry looks at him

"I'm calling Ashton, or Luke or whoever will answer," Harry says and runs up the steps to find his other boyfriends to tell them.


Ashton cuddles with Luke on the couch while watching Michael play some game on the Xbox.  Ashton phone rings and he reaches over and answers it when he sees it's Harry.

"Hey what's up, mate?" Ashton says sitting up and his two boyfriends look at him to see if they can figure out what he's talking about.

"Oh no, uhh I'll get the boys and head that way... oh god oh no," Ashton mumbles looking like he's close to tears.

"Yeah thanks Harry, is Niall ok?" He asks.

"Ok ok good, see you in a bit," Ashton hangs up and stands up, "Calum is missing," he says and that's all Michael and Luke need to hear to rub out to the car to find their baby boy.


Sorry for the wait I've been extremely busy, but here's the next chapter! Whatcha think?

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