Chapter 1: His name is....

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Your P.O.V

"Y/n wake up! Wake Up! Please Y/n, WAKE UP!!!"

I opened my eyes slowly to be greeted with a blurry sight. My head was heavy and I had no Idea where I was.

"She opened her eyes" I heard someone saying but didn't realized to who this voice belonged to.

"Uuh, w-where am I?" I said in a low voice.

"Y/n, you're finally awake" The man who was kneeling in front of me said as he hugged me "I'm so glad that you're alive" he continued.

"Jeez, Y/n you scared the hell out of us. Please be careful next time" A man with a weird haircut told me.

- What?

"Y/n, can you talk? how are you feeling?" Another guy with weird haircut asked me. What was happening?

"Uh I'm sorry but who are you guys?"

                           * * *
                3 months earlier
                           * * *

I am just an ordinary girl. Okay not ordinary at all. I don't want to sound like these rich kids that think they have everything ect, but that's exactly what I'm going to sound like. I have to admit it. Not everyone in my age, 17 years old, was like me. I am neither a princess nor a pirate, I'm a thief. I know not a thing to be proud of, but did I have choice? No! The answer is no.

Not everything was nice for me but here I am. Saron D. Y/n with a bounty of 70.000.000, a person who has eaten a paramecia type, Mizu Mizu No Mi, or else Water Fruit which allows me to have control over water, I'm standing in an almost empty island like I'm having a death wish.

Kawaki. Oh this bastard. I do not like him at all. But he was challenging me! He was talking sh*t about me, I sometimes can be a hot tempered person and he was unlucky this time. Or should I say, I was the unlucky one. We got into a fight, he was much stronger that I was. Of course being a devil fruit user who's eaten the poisonous fruit didn't really help my state. He was able to pass the poison into me. I fainted, what else could I have done?

Narrator's P.O.V

"Hey what's going on there" A raven heired man questioned himself  "Hey, Marco, Thatch come over here" He called out his friends.

"Wow looks like a pretty lady is in a trouble" The man who called himself Thatch said.

"Uh let's help her. She doesn't seem to be dangerous, actually it seems to be the other way round"

The famous pirate crew, The Whitebeard pirates, landed on the island where Y/n was with Kawaki who had already won the fight. Whitebeard agreed to the three youngers and their request to help the poor girl and they did beat the sh*t out of Kawaki in the point he was dead. They didn't want him dead actually, but he was too weak for them.

Your P.O.V

I opened my eyes and realized I was in an unfamiliar room. That was something that scared me. My head hurt like hell but after a while the headache faded away and I was able to remember. Kawaki. Oh Holy f*ck he must have captured me. I stopped thinking too much and decided to get out of the room and deal with the situation.

When I was out I was greeted by many people who didn't look bad at all. I changed my mind when I looked up and saw...

- Isn't that Whitebeard? I'm dead, for good.

"Well look who's finally awake" I heard a man saying so I turned around to see who it was. Turns out I didn't recognize him.

I was terrified. "Don't be afraid of us my child! We won't hurt you" Whitebeard said "Yeah, we actually helped you. But let us introduce ourselves first! My name is-"

He was cut of by me.

First chapter of Loving Touches.
What chu think?
Love ya
See in chapter 2🌸

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