Chapter 21 - Dead?

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Your P.O.V

We started running away trying to get as far as possible from the execution platform. I ran along with Luffy and Ace but suddenly I realized that Ace had left my side. I turned my head sideways to see where he had gone and I saw him standing in front of pops.

"Ace!" I yelled, turned around and got ready to ran close to him.

"Run!" He shouted and he sounded angry. I stopped and looked at him flustered. Seeing my reaction his rough facial expression softened. "Run away y/n. I'll catch up with you later!" He repeated and I nodded in response. Deep inside something was telling me that this wasn't the right decision to make. I wanted to stay next to him because I feared for the worse, seeing how everything had turned out.

I turned to look at Luffy to silently ask him if it was okay to run. Luffy signed with his eyes and we continued running. Suddenly I heard something that I couldn't ignore.

"Was I a good father?" Pops asked and I froze. That question wasn't directed to me but every memory of me in Whitebeard's ship came back to me. Luffy stopped too but unexpectedly I felt someone grabbing me from my arms and throwing me away. I shouted for help but suddenly I saw Ace talking to Akainu and I remained still in the ground where the marine had thrown me.

I couldn't hear properly but soon enough I realized that he was talking shit about Pops. I knew that Ace wouldn't be able to ignore that, so I tried to get up and go to him but a pair of strong hands held me in place. It was a tall Marine with sunburned skin and an eyepatch. I felt s knife onto threat and tried to push him away but he too suddenly froze. Everyone's eyes were turned to Ace and Akainu. I was ready to shower Akainu with water but I realized that that would be dangerous for Ace since it would put down his flames too. So I compromised with shouting at him the same thing he had told me before.

"Run!!" I shouted but Ace turned his back to me and walked towards Akainu. "RUN YOU FOOL!" I screamed and the marine kicked me in the back. No matter how hard I tried to escape from him he was too strong. Luffy turned to look at me and was ready to ran close to me but he fell to the floor like he was trying to catch something.

In fear I saw Akainu ready to punch him with his magma fist. My eyes and mouth opened widely but I couldn't make a single sound. He'll die! I thought. But suddenly Akainu stopped. I moved my head around to get rid of the hair that were blocking my vision.

The scream that followed was nothing compared to my previous one where I ordered Ace to run. I felt my throat hurting like my voice chores were torn apart. I kicked the marine holding me, who was shocked as well, in the balls and freed myself. After a moment of hesitation I wanted to approach Ace's body. I couldn't believe it. He couldn't possibly.

Izo got in front of me and stopped me. I tried getting pass him.

"Izo let me pass!" I cried in despair. He lifted his hands and blocked my way completely. "Let me go to him Izo. He might be able to be saved!" But as I saw him not moving and having a pained look on his face I realized that he was beyond saving.  My fist found his chest as I started hitting him while cries escaped my mouth. "No! It can't be!!! He can't be dead!" Izo grabbed my hands and stopped me.

"It's the truth y/n!" He shouted at me and I lowered my head as tears filled my eyes. "Run! Go the ship!" He ordered me. I had gotten sick of people ordering me to run like a coward.

"I could have helped him, Izo!" I muttered as I fell on the ground. Swiftly he pulled me up again.

"I won't repeat myself! I'm sure he would like you to live!" He said and I could see in his eyes that he wouldn't take no as an answer.

I took a step backwards and after nodding I started running in the opposite direction. But after distancing myself from all that mess I turned to look at Luffy and I saw that Akainu was once again over him. This time I didn't hesitate. I released a huge amount of water and threw it on him.

"IDIOT!" I heard Izo yelling and I realized that I had just made myself visible to the most dangerous man in Marineford. I rushed to get away but that time I heard many and repeated gunshots. The view was terrible. Pops had been shot so many times that even he couldn't take it.

"Sengoku you and the World Government all fear that battle engulfing the whole world that will eventually come. As soon as someone finds that treasure the world will be turned upside down. And someone will find it" I heard him saying. "ONE PIECE EXISTS!" He said and the everything went silent.

He was dead. He too.

I couldn't scream anymore. I wanted to simply fall down and let myself die in the cold unfriendly ground of marineford. But something inside me persuaded me to keep on living. I don't know what it was but it helped me get up and get out of there.

Eventually I had no energy left in my body. I started trembling and my vision was blurry. That was it.


Yey! Chapter
(Do not worry u r alive)
See ya in chapter 22💕

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