Chapter 29 - Mera mera no mi

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Your P.O.V

Luffy, Joanna and I stood there. It was just before the final match would start and there would be a winner. But... There was a problem. Luffy had to leave. Why? Law needed help. Joanna wouldn't just stay here. She needed to be with Law. Is was worried, so along with Luffy she would leave too.

It was actually planed. If the two had to leave I would replace Joanna and take the fruit. But why it was problem. We wanted to have the fruit for sure. That's why there were two who took part in the competition and not only one. So we could be sure for the victory. Two it's better than one always.

It's not like they didn't trust me. They did, but what if I didn't made it and lost the fruit? I didn't trust myself. It's been two years since I last fought with somebody. Two years of piece, no infections from the outside world. The bounty of 370.000.000 didn't mean anything when you hadn't been in this world for two whole years so there was this possibility of me losing.

I wouldn't forgive myself if that happened. I wasn't able to protect Ace and now there was this chance I didn't wanna lose this too. Bartolomeo bowed to Luffy calling him 'Luffy-senpai' he told him that he would replace Luffy as I replaced Joanna. Luffy seemed to be grateful and thanked him but still I wasn't sure about this. I don't wanna say that Bartolomeo is weak but the strength we needed was more than what he owned.

As Bartolomeo kept thanking Luffy for trusting him I heard footsteps. I was sure that it was a man but his features could nearly be seen since it was dark and he was wearing a huge black hat on his head. The came closer and stoped a few inches away from us, then he spoke:

"The Flare-Flare Fruit.... I won't let you have it, Straw Hat Luffy!"
I was shocked. What is this man even thinking? Not to mention that be recognized Luffy. I mean yes the outfit is awful but most of his face is covered.

Bartolomeo got up 'angry' and got closer to him "Who the hell are you? You can't talk to Luffy-senpai so casually! He is the legendary pirate 'Fire Fist' Ace-sama's brother and he'll become the king of the pirates one day, you idiot!" The man walked pass him as he pushed him to the side.
"I've known that from way back!" Bartolomeo fell on the floor and was hard, but when the man pushed him he didn't even seem to be trying.

"You've known that from way back? Who are you?" Luffy asked him as he stood in front of him.

"Don't you recognize?" The man asked him with a smirk on his face.

- The f*ck is happening?! I thought to myself.

I turned my head to look at my sister whose lips were parted, eyes wide and some tears had formed into them. I didn't ask though. I waited.

"What's your problem? You can't just appear out of nowhere and say you won't let me have the fruit"

The man smiled a bit. He placed his hands on his hat and took it off "It's me, Luffy." He said. I was confused  as well as Luffy. I had the feeling that Joanna was the only one in the room who had understood everything, she was crying.

"What do you mean 'it's me'?! Listen! The Flare-flare fruit is a keepsake from Ace! If you want it , you're my enemy!
An you called me 'Luffy' but look at this beard. I'm Lucy!" Luffy said stretching his beard from the sides.

"You think I can't tell my brother's face just because he is in disguise?"

- wait what? Don't tell me this is-

"Brother?! Listen, the only people who can call me their brother are the late Ace and the guy who died much earlier-" Luffy stopped. He looked deep into his eyes "D-died.." Luffy's eyes started getting watery until he opened his mouth and yelled:

"Sabo!" Luffy took steps to his back until he crashed on the was with his back.

- What? Sabo???

Luffy got up again " I don't believe you!"  The man- no Sabo closed his right eye "We stole a bottle of sake from Dadan and made a toast" Luffy opened his mouth wide. Joanna fell I  the ground. She was crying so hard. "SABO" Using his power Luffy stretched his arms to grab Sabo and he hugged him. It was a breathtaking hug. Literally.

"What the... Where have you been all this time?! I thought you were dead" Luffy cried.

"Thank you, Luffy! I'm glad you are alive!"

"But Sabo, I let Ace get killed in front of me"

"I know! Even though Ace died, I'm so happy you survived. I almost helplessly lost both of my brother and sister! If you two had also died, I would've been left on my own!" Luffy fell on the ground crying "Thank you, for being alive Luffy" Sabo then turned his head in our direction " too Joanna" he said. Joanna looked straight into his eyes and forced herself to get up and ran to hug him "Sabo!" She said "Why did you leave us I missed you like hell!" She cried as he patted her head.

"Luffy, Joanna can I have the Flare-flare fruit?" They both nodded.

"Hey I'm here too" he turned his head to me "Sorry, who are you?" I smiled "My name's Y/n" he looked at me confused and then at Joanna "Joanna, is she your sister?" She nodded as she kept crying till she got his shirt completely soaked "I'm also- well I was Ace's girlfriend and well the mother of his child!" I said.

Sabo was shocked "Wait really? I didn't know he had a girlfriend. Not to talk about the child. Huh so that bastard has a child of his own" he chuckled "yeah, but he didn't even get to learn that I was pregnant, he died sadly"

"I see. So let me correct my question. Luffy, Joanna and Y/n can I have the fruit?"  The two nodded again as well as me. It was the only option we've got, but something seemed wrong to me.

"Sabo..." I spoke. He looked at me "Don't get me wrong I do not have a problem with you eating the fruit. But I have a weird feeling about this. I know you can just follow this because it's just a feeling but let me tell you that last time k had a weird feeling about something Ace died. Any way, what I'm saying is, it's weird. There is this whole competition just to earn money and entertain people but I don't think that Doflamingi would give as a reward the devil fruit like that. Besides, the Whitebeard pirates should have taken it with them. They wouldn't leave there like it's nothing, and I'm saying that because I know them. I was part of the crew!"

"Y/n is right. This is really weird, but we lose nothing to try right?" Joanna said "Right!" I said.

"Ok girls. You two have a point here. So after we get the fruit, we take it with us so.we can examine it" Sabo said.

"Yes" Joanna and Me spoke at the same time.

"So everything is settled! I replace Joanna and Sabo will replace Luffy. We take the fruit if there is any. You guys best Doflamingo and then we leave to find the others!"


Sorry it was too long.
See ya in chapter 30💕
(Didn't expect that this story would reach 39 chapters tho)

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