Chapter 17 - Enough

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READ---> I'm going to put this story on hold. LISTEN. I want to finish the other book first. Why? First of all it will last only 10 chapters more ...I guess. Secondly its tiring to have to books to update. So I think until 12 of May I will have finished. So its only one month.
I love you all, wait for me xox that chapter I hope u enjoy it. I'm really sorry. see ya in one month.

Your POV

After that Ace just froze. He stayed still he didnt move an inch. That guy was ready to punch him and knock him out and Ace didnt do anything.

I saw the guy getting closer and closer to Ace, his fist ready to smash Ace's face. Everything happened so fast.


He fell on the ground.
I got in front of Ace and puched his opponent so hard that he fell on the ground and passed out immediately. I turned my head to face Ace. I had a angry look on my face, but he was completely expressionless. I could yell at him I could whip his ass, but at that time I didn't want to start a fight with him. I noticed that it was getting dark and we were in just a small island-village, I thought that we could find a motel we could stay for the night.

"Come on" I said coldly and started walking, he did as I said. We kept walking but I can say it was akward. None of us said a word.

After about 30 minutes of walking around the town I spotted a small motel and headed towards there. I didnt even look back to see if ace was behind me, I just hoped that he was following me. I walked inside the motel and asked for a room for two. The woman behind the bench that was supposed to be the reception, raised her left eyebrow so I repeated myself pointing out every single word.

"A room for two!"

I'm sure webdudnt look trustworthy to her so I left 20 berries in the bench. When she gave me the key I grabbed it and headed upstairs.

When we got inside the room ace laid on the bed and stared at the wall. I didnt sit though. I started walking around in circles and I waited for him to tell me to stop, or calm down like he would usually do. But he didn't. That sleepy look on his face made me even more furious.

"Won't you say something?" I asked and glared at him. He shook his head slightly like he was being woken up from a dream.

"What?" he asked me confused.

"What do you mean what ace? Why didn't you try to protect yourself back then? The guy was ready to kill you!" I shouted at him.

"I got distracted!" Ace mumbled in response.

"From what? From his extrodinary beauty?" I asked sarcastically and he rolled his eyes. "Don't roll your eyes to me!" I scolled him.

"Kay mom!" He muttered and rolled his eyes again. I breathed out irritated.

"Nothing else?" I asked.

"How many days left till we get to that island?" Ace asked me.

"What island?" I asked and walked towards the window.

"You know... the one that Blackbeard is right now!" He said.

I laughed sarcastically and the turned to look at him.

"Yeah keep on dreaming!" I said. Ace got up and came closer to me with two big steps.

"What are you talking about?" He asked seriously.

"Ace, I'm not taking you there! You couldn't even beat that fat guy and you want to go and fight Teach?" I said.

"I just got distracted!" He shouted.

"Ace!" I said in a calmer tone and he stopped. "Let's go back, Pops told us that he had a bad feeling about this, let's just-"

"No! Someone from my division killed Thatch, as his commander I need to take care of it!" He interrupted me.

"Ace! Teach has eaten the yami-yami no mi, he isn't the same person any more. He's stronger and since you couldn't even beat that guy-"

"I SAID I JUST GOT DISTRACTED!" He shouted and I froze. Ace then approached me even more and stuck his hand on the wall behind me. His face was so close to mine and his breath sent shivers down my spine. "If you are so scared then just say it, don't try to use this fight as a excuse for us not to go!"

My eyes opened widely and I pushed him back.

"Who's afraid? Could that be you? You're not afraid of your opponents though you're afraid of your past! Am I wrong?" I asked and glared at him. He didn't reply and just looked at the floor. "That's why you didn't react when he was ready to punch you, because he compared you with Roger!"

"Y/n!" He muttered.

"No! Let me finish! Get over it! He is your father and you owe him your life! He might have been a criminal-"

"STOP IT!" He yelled. "Don't say his name! Don't talk about him! You know I can't stand it!" He said and plugged his ears.

"So what will happen if Teach mentions it?" I asked and took a step closer to him.

"Then I'll freeze and die?" He said and raised his eyebrows annoyed.

"What?" I left out astonished. "And you don't care about me? You don't care what's going to happen to the person that loves you so much?"

"No! Leave me alone!" He shouted and sat on the bed with his ears still covered.

His words left me speechless. I grabbed my bag and headed to the door.

"Okay... goodbye then, Portgas d Ace. Oh! My bad, I meant Gol D Ace!" I hissed and left the room.

So yeah that was it for today's chapeter, im sorry it took my forever to update.
And I'm sorry for doing this. But hey when I'll finish the other story I'll be able to be more active here.

See ya in one month in chapter 18

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