Chapter 16 - The Strawhats

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Heereeyy so ...this book reached 1k reads and I'm so happy.
I want to thank you for the support you've given me until this chapter and I hope you will still support me.
I love all of my readers from the bottom of my heart, I really hope you're enjoying this book. Oh and please listen to me when this book will finish there will be a last author's note in which I will talk about many important things I want you to know. The reason why I'm saying that is that most people dont read the author notes.
So yeah....I should shut up now and continue with the chapter.(I'm just really happy).

Ace P.O.V

"I'm sorry miss have you seen that man?" I asked an old woman showing her the piece of paper with Teach's face on. The woman stared at the piece of paper and after a while she replied me with 'no' I then thanked her and left. I was walking around the town and kept asking people about Teach but the answer was always the same. No. So I decided that maybe it was time to leave since no one was here. I just had to find (y/n) and leave, but then out of nowhere I heard someone yelling my name. When that someone reached me I realized it was (y/n). She really looked tired "Wow.. Calm down why have you been running?" I asked her.

"Teach is heading to arabasta!" She said. My eyes open widely and I asked her :
"How do you kn-" but she cut me off before I could finish my sentence "It doesn't matter, he is just heading to arabasta lets go"
"Ok" then we left.

Your P.O.V

After that we left the island and made our way to where Teach was. Arabasta. We also were hoping that we would see Ace's brother there, since he had sent him a message when he was in one of the islands he had been without me. Actually Ace was the one who was hoping to see him, I mean I dont even know that person but I really would want to meet him. He sounds fun from the stories Ace had told me. After plenty of time we arrived there. To be more specific we arrived the next day cause we stopped in aj island to sleep at night.

So yeah we arrived there. We had got the information that Teach was actually heading to Elmaru. So we didnt look for Teach at the place we were at that time. I left Ace with the excuse to go and buy some food so we could survive the next days, while Ace was trying to find Luffy.

It took about 1 hour to find the stuff I wanted but I finally did it. I put the little food k buyed inside my back pac and started walking while I was looking for Ace. 'Where could he be?'

Suddenly I heard many people screaming they were saying that two crazy men were fighting against uhm...I think they said uhm billions, millions something like this anyway 'two crazy men? What the-- oh yeah...Ace and Luffy I guess'

Meanwhile Ace P.O.V

I woke up and found some people staring me. What fuck, the last think I remember is that I went somewhere to eat and I ended up here-- oh wait now I remember "Oups I fell asleep" i said without realizing that I said it loudly so people could here me "WHAAAAAAT?" they all yelled "WE THOUGHT YOU WERE DEAD!" they yelled at me again "Who?me?" I asked "YES"
What's wrong with these people why would they think I'm dead? Anyway after a while they left and someone else appeared. It was a marine. To be more specific it was Smoker. We had a kind of "conversation" if you can call that a conversation (u all know Why happened) and then we were ready to attack each other. But out of nowhere that bastard fell on me, I guess by someone else and that caused us to fall on the wall and make some wholes. I was laying on the ground but then I got up and started walking again towards the restaurant. When I arrived there someone familiar eating. I then realized who it was.

"Lu--" I was surprised "Oi Luf-" before I could finish some fucker and I guess I know who it was pushed me on the ground. AGAIN.

When I got up they both had left and I started running behind them. I saw from distance that smoker was in a fight position, ready to heat Luffy. But before he could even touch him I got in front of and ended up that I was the fighting against Smoker. 

It wasn't that bad, at least I had some fun today. After u finished with that bastard I tried to find, and I did it.

"YO" I yelled Luffy looked up at me "Ace!" He yelled back. I jumped and landed on the ground. I greeted Luffy and we started talking about stuff (ok guys u all know what happened in arabasta when they met so yeah) we then decided to go and find his friends. He said that they would be at their ship, but he also said I that he had no idea where his ship was. 'Jeez that boy...' After a while the billions attacked us. We of course beat them up and then continued.

Well they appeared again and I was about to say to Luffy to go to his ship and I would take care of them, but oh well he already disappeared. I beat their asses, again and then tried to find Luffy.

I jumped on my tiny boat and headed to his ship when I arrived there I jumped onto his ship, and thats when I met his crew. We were talking for some minutes but then... "Ace-kun?" the girl with the orange hair said/asked I think her name is Nami "Yes?" I said "You have something behind you" she said pointing behind me. I turned my head around and it wasn't something but someone. (Y/n).

"Next time you'll disappear, please warn me"

Your P.O.V

"Next time you'll disappear, please warn me" I said in an ironically tone, and he smiled "Sorry" he said and I smiled at him in response.

"Oh (y/n) thats my brother Luffy and this is his crew" Ace said and they all introduced their selves. First was an ornage-haired girl named Nami, second a pet? It was small pet I guess he was cute as fuck his name was chopper. Then it was this guy with the big nose his name was Usopp. After him was Sanji, he was gentleman 'not like my boyfriend *cough* *cough*'. Next was Zoro the swordman and he seemed to like doing anything at all.
Last but not least was Vivi a princess and her duck (I forgot his name shit I'm sorry). It was an interesting crew. Then it was time for me to introduce myself.

"Well im Saron D. (Y/n) but you can call me just (y/n). It's a pleasure to meet you"

"And she is my girlfriend" Ace said and Luffy's eyes opened wide "WHAT??" He yelled "really?" He asked and we nodded "wow" that was his reaction.

Anyway after I introduced myself and then we started talking. Nami told that they were heading to Elmaru. So we decided to stay with them since our destination was the same as their's.

~Timeskip~ some days later.

It was now time to separate our ways.
Ace gave a vivre card to Luffy and after that we waved at them and left.
"So, what do you think about my brother?" Ace asked me "Pretty interesting"

~timeskip~ at the next town we arrived.

So after 4 days we arrived at another island. We went to Elmaru but Teach had left. When we were walking at that town something unexpected happened. A big fat man appeared in front of us. No it wasn't Teach. But he seemed to know something about him. "So I heard you two are looking for the boss" the guy said "Boss?" I aksed "You mean Teach or something?"

"Yes, but you better call him Blackbeard"

"Blackbeard? So thats what he calls himself now? Awful" Ace Said and I nodded "Tell us where he is now" Ace hissed "Why should i do that?" The man asked. Then Ace started transforming into fire. They started to fight and I was like watching.

But then that bug fat guy said something that, well it wasn't that good.

"Wow kido. For some reason you remind me of someone. You know you really fight like that old Roger, but anyway"

After that Ace just froze. He stayed still he didnt move an inch. That guy was ready to punch him and knock him out and Ace didnt do anything.

READ ---> I'm changing my userbame from entzi_chwaan to JamlessSakurako
How are u?
U good?
I hope you're good cause I'm not.
If you've watched hwarang and love BTS like me you'll understand me.

See ya in chapter 17

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