Chapter 18 - Still in love with him

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oMG GUYS this book ranked #1 in the hashtag #acexreader and im like bdjfjdndh, I didnt expect that, i actually dont know what is going on with the rankings right now but whatever. Also this book is so close to 100 votes, Anyway Thank you for your support I love you all.
Enjoy the chapter!

"Okay... goodbye then, Portgas d Ace. Oh! My bad, I meant Gol D Ace!" I hissed and left the room.

Your P.O.V

I left the room with full of Anger! How could he! That jerk, at the time I really didn't care what he would do with Teach.

-I'm just going to return back at pops, I'll change room, and I won't talk to him again.

These were my thoughts, return back and never thought of him again. But, there was a problem, if I returned back everyone would ask me what happened to Ace, and I really did not want to hear anything about him or talk about what had happened.

It was the middle of the night and I was alone walking around the streets, I suddenly felt something in my lower stomach, pain, I didn't know why I just felt this all of sudden but anyway the pain started to fade after some minutes and I started walking again.

-Shit! I might have got a cold

I put my hand in my pocket and took out Marco's vivre card so I could use it to find my way back.

3rd Person's P.O.V

(Y/n) was traveling the whole night but she got tired at a time and stopped at an island to get some sleep and rest. She didnt feel well at all, not because of Ace she just didn't feel well.

Meanwhile Ace wasn't in a really good state, just like (y/n), he was so angry that he broke a lot of things, he even sweared at the resepsionist and left the motel. When he left he started looking for.....her.

Yes, Ace was the stubborn person who wouldn't admit that he was at fault, but when it came to his family and the people he loved he acted like a normal person who did know what to do, but (y/n) wasn't.

Ace stopped searching, he knew it was useless. He knew that it would be better  for her to go back, (y/n) on the other hand didnt give a sh.t.

The next day (y/n) made it back to the moby dick.

Your P.O.V

"Hey..." I said trying not to look deepresed "(y/n)..?" Marco said "Where is Ace? Why are you alone? Why did you came back?" He continued

"Hey calm down, thats too many questions" I complained "(y/n), my child why are you alone? And most importntly what happened to Ace?" Pops asked

"Well....uh ....he .." I was cut of "Tell me he is okay" marco said "Yeah! Of course he is, dont worry! He just asked me to come back because he didn't want me to get hurt, thats all" I made up the story since I couldn't tell them about what really happened between us "Ah i see, hope he's well" He said "well im going to my room, I want to relax" I said and left them heading to my room.

I enetred my room and went staightly to the bed and collapsed there. I stayed in my room for hours. I kept thinking about him, and the place where I was didn't reallt help. It was our room so it reminded me of him. I sat on the floor and then tears started rolling down my cheeks, it was already night by that time.

Without me even realizing it, the door was open and Marco had entered the room. He ran up to me and helb me by my wrists.
"Hey, (y/n), why are tpu crying, what's wrong?" He asked me but I shook my head in responce "(Y/n) is it about Ace?" He asked me again. I had broke down by that time and I couldnt lie anymore so I replied him with a 'yes'. He then got really worried and asked me what was going on.

.....I told him everything...

I couldn't keep it anymore so I told him everything in detail "..And after that I left the room" I said finishing the story
"(Y/n), dont cry, It's normal for him, I mean someone compared him with tge person he hares the most. It is normal for him to act that way" Marco explained "Yeah, but I was just worried and I dont want him to get hurt, what if Teach compared him with Roger, then what? And on the other hand, he is very mad at me" I said
"No, he is not! Sooner or later he will realuze that you did ut for his own good-"

"I called him Gol D. Ace" I confessed, his eyes went big as he was left speechless "What? How? I mean Why? Why did you do this?" He asked
"I was mad, I didnt mean, you know that I didnt mean it! I would never do something like that on porpuse" I cried even harder as I was tellung him all these things "Okay, okay, I understand! Now please dont cry, I dont want to see my little sister crying"
"But he hates me"

"No he doesn't. Ace would never hate you. Look when he comes back you two wre going to have a talk okay! And you will apologize!"

"How do you know he is going to cone back" I asked making myself worry even more.
"I know because Ace is a strong man, dont worry he will be back before you even realize it" Marco said as he hugged me, I hadn't had the courage to reply since I cried so much so I just nodded in responce and fell asleep in his arms.

What a nice brother I have.


Hey! Miss me?
See I told you I would be back on 12th of May and I kept my promise!
I finally made it to finish the other book (Law x Reader) and now I can be more active, or I'll try at least!

Love you all

See ya in Chapter 19

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