Chapter 33 - Meeting

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Your P.O.V

Joanna and I left after informing Law about our plans of Joanna meeting our mother. We then left the ship. As expected we used our fruit to travel. Before the war when everything used to be normal Joanna and I would compete to who is faster. Something that I had forgot how it felt. I actually forgot how it felt having fun. But here we were. Joanna and I competing. She was faster as expected. I gave her mom's vivre card so she wouldn't get lost since she was far away from me.

Joanna's P.O.V

Y/n and I had lost so much time. Since she dissapeard. I really thought that she was dead. I had started to lose my hope of her being alive and healthy. And after two years she appears out of nowhere. I was f*cking ready to make a funeral for her. Even without a body. I was grateful she was back. Now we could be just like we used to be. Well not exactly. Y/n told me that she hadn't had time for playing like she used to do. She had Rye. I understood. I really did. But although she had Rye she was still a 21 year old girl. When I told her to compete with me her eyes light up and smiled widely. After that she gave me a piece of paper. Mom's vivre card. She gave it to me as if she knew I would win. Oh mom I can't wait to meet you.

Well the island wasn't near. We didn't just arrive in some hours. It took us approximately three days. We had so much fun with Y/n! We stopped to some islands to ask for directions we bought food and even played. And when I say played we got on swings and you know the rest.

After three days we finally arrived back at my homeland. It seemed as if not even a day passed. Everything was the same. I had to say. I missed this scent. It was just a peaceful and beautiful island. Y/n started walking and as I followed I remember so many things. We finally reached a house with a beautiful garden outside. Oh yes. This was our house. I imidietly recognized it.

We walked till the door and Y/n knocked on it waiting for a response "Don't you have the keys?" I asked her, she shook her head "I forgot to take them before I leave. Besides mom is here so no need for keys"
The door then opened but I saw no one  since Y/n was in front of me bothering my sight. I saw hands wrapping her and then a face on her shoulder. The person looked at me who was right behind Y/n.

"Joanna?" She said and let go of Y/n and imidietly hugged me "Mom! I missed you!" I cried hard against her shoulder "hush. I know I missed you too!"

"Okay, I'm going to see Rye, you two can cry here for as long as you want" Y/n joked

Your P.O.V

"Okay, I'm going to see Rye, you two can cry here for as long as you want" I  joked and left them. It was actually a really cute scene to stand and watch but I wanted to see my child as well. I entered the living room to find Rye playing in the ground with his toys. So so so cute.

"Baby, mommy is here" I said softly. He looked up at me and got up running to my and legs. He could only reach my knees. I grabbed him and help him close to me "Mommy I love you" he said. Oh my god I missed this cute voice so much. He couldn't speak straight yet but still. When he said things like 'i love you' my heart melted.

Joanna and mom then came inside. Joanna saw Rye and ran to me then greeted him with a soft  voice.

My book had 3.56k reads just two hours ago and now what? There are only 2.96k. I was happy because 4k wasn't far but this happened.
I'm actually really upset right now.
Anyway hope you enjoyed.
Vote 🌟
See ya in chapter 34☻

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