Chapter 23 - Back to life

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Your P.O.V

"Is that really you? Are you really alive, mom?" I asked hugging her. I couldn't believe. My Mom was alive or was this my imagination, the last time I thought that Ace and Pops were never gone, now? Am I dreaming.

"Yes. I'm here and I will never leave you ever again" She told me, it was confirmed. My Mom never died. But how? "Mom how are you alive, you were burned, right?" I asked her while sobbing against her shoulder.
"I was burned. But just in my stomach and leg, then I became unconscious so that's why you two thought I died, but see. I'm alive and healthy" She told me. I was so happy. I didn't lose everything in the end. My mother was there.

"But you do not look healthy at all. Come on in sweetheart" I followed her inside the house. Everything we she same. Almost.

There was a door which would open and there was the garden. You only had to take about seven more steps to reach the house's door. It revealed a small hall. On the front just a dark hallway which leaded to the basement. In the middle of the hallway, on the right side, there was a big opening and there you could see the living room. Across the living room was the counter of the kitchen. On the left side the stairs. Upstairs there were three rooms. When I lived here the one room hadn't been used since my sister and I stayed in one room and my mother in the other, well my father didn't live with us, he was a pirate.

I walked inside the living room and sat on the couch. My eyes were still puffy. I cried so much. Mom went on the kitchen and returned back with two cups of tea and sat beside me. With one hand she caressed my back, with the other she was holding her cup of tea.

"I missed you so much" She kissed my forehead "Me too mum, I love you" I hugged her tightly and kept crying "what is wrong? By the way were is your sister?"

"She is fine. She is part of a pirate crew, the captain is her boyfriend and right now she must be with the rest of the crew" I replied "Uh yeah, I knew about her being a pirate and you two from the newspapers. The Whitebeatd pirate huh. I'm really sorry sweetheart. I can't believe that this old geezer died. But you why are you here? You should be with the rest of the crew"

"Its a long story. I had fainted during the war. When I woke up I thought Pops was alive but he wasn't it was a big shock I didn't want to be there anymore, so I left"

"But they must be worried-"

"I don't care! Mum can I stay here?" I asked her looking straight into her eyes "Of course you can!" She replied "Mum, there is something else I need to tell you" I told her, she told me to go on and tell her. I sighed.

"I think I am pregnant" I confessed "What? And what do you mean you think? And where is the father. You should go to him now, he must be really wo-"

"He is dead. Portgas D. Ace. If you know about the war then you know about him too"

"Ace? Captain's son was your boyfriend? Wow"

"Yes, he was. And about the pregnancy I'm not sure yet so I want to visit a doctor"

"I see. Come here sweetheart. I know how it feels to lose people. You don't know how much it hurt when I had to let go of you two" She hugged and that's when I asked her what happened In reality and she told me everything.

"After what happened with Akainu your dad took you two to his ship. He kept you there for some days until he was sure I was safe. We talked and decided to separate you two because it would be much more safe. If you two were separated and me being dead it would be more safe for the two of you"

"I see, so dad knows you are alive. But why he didn't tell us?"

"We would tell you when the right timing would come. If we told you in an earlier age you would get mad or God knows how you two would react, but then this happened and we're here"

"Can I ask you a favor?"

"Of course"

"I want to stay here. And if I really am pregnant I don't want to have any type of contact with the world outside this country. And look I know you want to see Joanna, but please. I just don't want to see anyone else"

She stared at me and after a while she replied. The answer was yes. So I was safe. I thanked her. She told me to go and rest for a while in my old room. There was one bed meant for two, that's where I slept with my sister when I was a little kid. I slept a lot that day. It was afternoon when I arrived there but I slept until afternoon of the next day.
She said we would visit a doctor.

Time for truth I guess.

Well some things have been explained now.
See ya in chapter 24💞

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