Chapter 7 - Nightmares

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⚠WARNING ⚠: this chapter is lemon (tough) "DONT LIKE?-DONT READ.
Just read the begging and the end of the chapter to learn what happens.

It was night you said goodnight to your family and went to your room.
You changed to your PJs, went to bed and threw some covers on you and then slept.

It didnt take much time until you fell asleep and started seeing some weird dreams but they were familiar.

(Y/n) P.O.V 'dream'

"Hey (Y/n) let's get some flowers"

You arrived at home and opened the door.
A tall scary man was standing there and stared at you.

"Hey girls I was looking for you" he finally spoke.

"Who are you?" The little girl that was on your side asked.

"My name is Akainu and you two are coming with me!"

"SHUT UP! Dont touch my daughters if you want take me not my children" your mom shouted.

That man came close to you his hand transformed into magma he was about to attack you but your mom got in front of you. Her blood was all over the place and her body was burning.

"Mommyyyyy" you and your sister Shouted.

Then all of sudden a red haired man appeard he defeated Akainu and took you two but you never saw your sister since that day.

(Y/n) - 6 years old
In an island called Rioka

You lived with a woman called Hannah for the past 4 years you haven't seen your dad and your sister since that horrible day 4 years ago. You learned to call Hannah mommy in the beginning it was really hard for you as you couldn't get over what happened but this woman helped you.

"Goodmoring Sweetyheart do you wanna go shopping ?" Hannah asked you as she hugged you.


You've finished with shopping an hour ago and you wanted you return back to the village. You were both in the middle of the street it seems like you were lost so Hannah asked someone for directions and he lead her the way to the villge.

When you arrived there was fire everywhere...but what had happened?
Well, pirates had attacked your village.
You were shocked of all this and as you hadn't realized yet you lost Hannah.
You made your way to your house.
The door was open, you got in and saw Hannah lying on the ground she was full of bruises and blood.


"Sweetheart please leave this place for your own good please just leave I won't make it and I just want to make sure you're safe" Hannah spoke in a low/weak voice.

You felt tears streaming down your face "no mommy dont leave me please I dont wanna stay alone, I won't make it by myself " you felt Hannah's hand on your cheek she was smiling " I know you will make it, you're a strong girl, now please (y/n) for the love of the god ...if you love me ...if you really love me just leave now ..before they found you" you nooded and hugged Hannah one last time, before you left Hannah stopped you and told you something that you didnt know "sweetheart, please remember something your full name is Saron D. (Y/n) and you've eaten a devil fruit the mizu mizu no mi so you can control water and your father's name is Shanks....but most importantly dont forget one thing that i-i love you (y/n).

-All this time you worked for people, you were cleaning their houses to earn some money.-

(Y/n) 14 years old

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