Chapter 8 - The next morning

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The next morning you woke up and found Ace sleeping on your side. At first you blushed because dirty thoughts crossed your mind, but then you relaxed as you remembered what exactly happened. And you realized something 'you remember...everything'

You got up and decided to take a shower. You walked towards the bathroom and took a refreshing shower as you thought of all the things that you saw in your dream.
You walked out from the bathroom with a towel around your perfect-shaped body. You saw that Ace was already awake "Good morning Ace"you said and he replied with a good morinng aswell. "How do you feel?"you sigh "ehmm....good but I have a terrible headache" Ace standed up and hugged you, but suddenly you realized that you had a towel around your body, only a towel and you blushed really hard, you were redder that a tomato

"I'm glad" Ace said and held you as close as possible. You couldn't help but hug him back.

"A-ace I should dress up" he finally let go of you. You got dressed in a casual outfit with a (color) V-neck shirt and black shorts.

Both you and Ace made your way towards the deck. There you met pops and the others, "Good morning" you said, "Ace, where the fuck have you been all night?" Marco yelled at Ace "hey calm down you shitty bird, let me explain first"

Ace explained what happened last night, they all seemed happy to hear that you got your memories back.
"So that means we're back to normal" Thatch said and everyone laughed.


It was already the night time. All the crew was asleep. You were out, on the deck, looking at the sparkling ocean
"Still awake?" You turned around and saw Ace standing behind you.

"Ace?" You said, as Ace came closer to you "I'm really happy you got back your memories" you looked at the ground "yeah too, i guess"
Ace looked at you with a worried look "guess? What do you mean?"

In general you would not want to talk to anyone about it but with Ace was different "well, a lot of things had happened in the past, things that I wouldn't want to remember but I can't do something about it now..." despite the fact of what you said Ace still had his usual goofy grin on his face "well, I'm still happy" he said and you smiled at him.

"You know (y/n) the day you lost your memories i wanted to tell you something but as you already know a lot have happened since that day"you looked at him wondering what he wanted to tell you "what did you want to tell me?" Ace came closer to you and did something that surprised you, he kissed you.

You kissed him back, there was so much passion in this kiss.
You finally broke the kiss to breath out.

You blushed, you were redder that ever.
"A-Ace?" You felt Ace's hand on your check "I wanted to tell you that I love you "

You smiled at him "you know Ace I love you too " Ace was surprised by your confenssion.

"Be mine!" Ace said and kissed you again. You broke the kiss
"I'm already yours" he lifted you up and kissed you once again "you know I always wanted to do this" you giggle "wait until Marco finds out, he always made fun of me because he thought I would never make you mine" you laughed at his words.

"Wait Ace, I don't want anyone to learn about this relationship"
You said "What, why?"Ace asked you as you looked at the ground "I don't think that pops would like a relationship between two of his children" Ace didnt look happy with this "(y/n), come on, what are you saying, how will we be able to keep a secret like this and I'm sure pops won't have a problem-" you cut him of "Ace please, just do it, for me"

"OK, I'll do it just because I love you" Ace said and kissed you once more.


Yeaaaaaaah finally

I wrote this in my class and thanks to my classmate who helped me to write this .

See ya on the chapter 9😄

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