Chapter 27 - Back to action

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Your P.O.V

~8 months later~

"Y/n, Come inside. There is something I need to tell you" Mom yelled from the window. I was outside watering the plants. I quickly finished my work and headed back to my house. I opened the door and walked from the hall to the living room and and sat down on the sofa where mom was already sitting on.

"What is It?" I asked look I g straight into her eyes "Y/n, eight months ago you told me that when Luffy would be back to action you would go too to talk to him and you said you would bring Joanna here. Well-" I cut her off imidietly "I know. I'll keep my promise, we just have to wait for the right moment"  I told her hoping to calm her.

"No you don't understand. I didn't want to talk about this exactly" she said
"So then what is it you want to talk about?" I asked

"You know dressrosa right?" She asked me. I heard of that place once " yeah I know, Doflamingo's country right?" She nodded "What about It?"

"There is a competition that will take place in the colloseum in ten days" She said. I didn't get what she wanted to tell me. What was that all of sudden?
"And what has that to do with Me?"

"The reward" She said. I looked at her with a questioning look on my face "It's the mera mera no mi" she announced. I was left speechless. I could not let any stranger get this fruit. It belonged to Ace. Only to Ace. And I would not let anyone have it. I got up from the sofa.

"Mom take care of Rye. I'm going to Dressrosa"

So that's how it happened. I went to my room and took a bag with me. There were a few clothes in. I would leave the next morning.

~next morning~

I woke up early today. I wasn't ready for this. I had got used to this life. A peaceful life without anyone bothering me. Without adventures. That doesn't mean that I hated my life before. My life before was amazing. Seriously. But it's been now two years since I last sailed. I didn't know what would happen if I appeared out of nowhere. Like : Saron D. Y/n who was supposed to be dead appears at dressrosa. I shook that thought out my head. I should keep my profile low so I won't get noticed easily.

I woke Rye up. I didn't really want to interrupt his nap bout I wouldn't be able to see him for more than ten days. I played for some minutes with him.
"Mommi will be gone for some days. I love you" I said and kissed him on the forehead "I love you mommy" he said with that sweet voice of his. I left the room right after he fell asleep and went to my mom's so I could tell her goodbye.

After that I was ready to leave the island.
I was in front of the sea "Okay I still remember how to do this right? Step one foot on the water. Balance. Use the water as a surf board and go" I told myself. I did it. Yeah. I headed to the next island. Not far from the one I was just to bye a map so I could find dressrosa easily.

That's what I did. It took me six days to arrive there. I had completely forgotten how it felt. I didn't have much money with me so I had to steal money from somebody. Like I did four years ago before I met the Whitebeard pirates. I had to admit it was fun.

When I arrived at dressrosa I literraly didn't know what to do. Where to go.
I was relieved when I saw a familiar person. She was walking down the street heading to ....somewhere.

"Hey" I said she turned around.


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