Chapter 34 - Zoo

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Your P.O.V

That night we both stayed over. And not only for one night. It was actually five days. Yeah, we needed our family time, it would be great if dad was here but I couldn't just call him. Just imagine that. He comes here and not only finds us all together but also finds out about me having a baby. Yeah, that would completely knock him out.

We decided that we would sleep just like we did when we were kids. Mom in her room and I would stay in mine along with Joanna. I wanted to tell mom to stay with us but she was kind of tired and wanted to sleep.

We all know what happens when two sisters like us decide to sleep together. We also kept Rye with us, we could just give him to mom and the two of us would play the rest if the night but I've been gone for about ten days, I had missed my son a lot. I need him to be with me.

Well things went as expected, we slept late. Like really late. And that includes Rye. Even though he is just a one-year-old baby and needed a lot of sleep he kept playing with us. The funniest part was when Joanna started to yawn and closing her eyes, then right sat on her back and started hitting her. Not playfully.

After five whole days of staying with mom we decided that we had to go back. Law was waiting for Joanna. And I went because I wanted to be with my friends for some time. To reach guys' location we used Law's vivre card to find Zoo easily, since it's a moving island. I wander how it looks like though. I heard it's huge.

It took us again some time to arrive but after days we did. Almost.

Joanna and I where in the hell of nowhere. I could see only water. And they were supposed to be somewhere here. There wasn't even an island there. I could literally see just water and the sky. Nothing else! What was happening? Was it underwater or what? Because if it is we're f*cked. I mean our fruit it's the most most no mi, but it's a paramecia type.

"Okay now what? There is no Zoo. There is no island here?" I complained as I raised both of my arms on the air "Oh Holy f*ck what's this?" Joanna yelled pointing behind me. I turned around and....

"An elephant? Why is it so huge? And why is walking on the water?" (what is he Jesus?) I yelled back. This was terrifying. A huge elephant appeared out of nowhere...

...but it seems like it's dead!

"Okay Joanna we gotta leave. Just head to anywhere because I do not want to be eating by this thing!" I said and started moving but she stopped me
"I think, this is the zoo!" I looked at her with our an expression placed on my face. I was trying to realize what she exactly meant.

- Yes, everything makes scene now! They said it's a huge and movi g island. This must be it!

I turned my head and looked at her "You're right, probably. But we won't lose anything to try! How do we get up There?" I asked

"Ah...freeze the water and increase the height of it as you walk towards it"

I nodded.

We both did the same thing while holding hands so no one of us would fall on the ground. After hours of trying to get up There we did it.

It was really an island. We kept following the direction the vivre card was pointing at. And we found them. But when we did the my were all talking about thigs we didn't understand. They didn't actually notice our presence and what's more, there were a Big Dog, A huge Cat and.... And someone who looked like he had a spider stuck in his head? (Raizo)

"Luffy-dono, Law-dono, please help us!"

Luffy agreed. But the question was...
What did he agreed to?

"Hey what is happening in here?" Joanna asked.

Everyone greeted us then we sat down and they explained us the whole story. So Luffy is going against Kaido. That's insane.

First, I didn't right their whole conversation because you guys already know what had happened. And If I did write this it would turn out to be a chapter of 2.000+ words talking about things you already know.
Second, yes paramecia. I will talk about this when the story ends since there will be an a/n
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See ya in chapter 35💝

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