Chapter 13 - Higher Bounty

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Your POV

I woke up today and found myself under Ace. He was sleeping on top of me. 'Gosh, that boy' i thought to myself. I shook, and pushed him as he fell on the ground, but still he didnt wake up. I didnt really care, so i decided to take shower hoping that when i would finish my shower Ace would be awake.

I walked to the bathroom and took of my clother. I got in the shower and turn on the water trying to find the perfect temperature. When I did that, I let the hot water to spill down my body, and I relaxed under the shower head.

As I was showering, I felt to hands wrapping around my waist, I screamed for a sec but then on hand covered my mouth. I felt the person behind me planting kisses on my neck "Shit, Ace you scared me" I said as I turned around to face him "Sorry, babe" he said and he moved his hands down to my body when he finally reached my entrance. He was about to enter me with his fingers but then..."Ace, please I'm not in the mood today. If you want to shower just shower, but dont do anything, ok?"

"Ok, babe I'm sorry" Ace said and kissed me but I pulled away and he gave me a 'what's wrong' look, a gave him a smile just for him to make sure that nothing was wrong. "By the way why couldn't you wait until I'd finish?" I asked him.

"Save water, we can shower together" I sighed at his comment and kept going with what I did.


So, Pops and the others had some work to do, I wanted to help them but they all said that there was no need for me to help, so I decided to go on walk with my sister. I called her with the den den moushi and told her to meet me in (random island) so we could spend some time together.

After two hours I arrived at (R/I) and I met Joanna. "Hey" I greeted her and we hugged each other. "So, what's up?" I asked.
"I'm bored" she said and I raised my eyebrow.
"Did you hear my question?"
"I did, but I'm bored"
"And what are you expecting me to do"
"I dont know, you are the one who called, I was good in bed, with.."
"No, with my pillow. Law was busy"
"Busy, with what. Feeding Bepo?"
"Come on dont talk like he is our pet"
"Ok, ok just kidding"

After some hour of walking with Joanna she stopped. Actually there was a reason why she stopped. She saw something on the ground, or I might say some things.

"MONEY" she shouted. I turned around like she said that she said that she saw an alien "WHERE?" (Forgot to mention that you and your sister were like nami with money).

There were like 200 berries there.
"Their mine" I shouted.
"no mine"
And we kept fighting like this for like 5 minutes.
"Ok, ok shut it. Look I'm the one who found the money, but because you're my sister and I met you after so many years, ill share them with you. You take 10 and I take the rest 190"
"No, you take my balls" I yelled and slapped her.
Then she kicked me and after that we started fighting. Not like two little girls, but we were using our powers, so we deatroyed everything. Even the building in front of us. The problem is we didint notice that building.
It wasn't just an everyday building, it was world government's, and as I said we destroyed everything.

The next day.

After a whole day of fighting we stopped 'cause we were tired.
I took a look around and realized that the whole island was destroyed.
I snapped out of my thoughts when a man called our names.

"Thats Saron D. (Y/n).....and Saron D. Joanna"

I turned around and saw a crowedpf people staring at us, then I turned back to my sister and looked her in the eyes, and so she did.
After a while a man came close to us, I could see the fear in his eyes.
"Please don't kill me..." He started as he kneeled on the ground "...but why did you do that?" He asked.
Joanna- Do what?
Man- you destroyed the whole island and most imp--"
Me- Oh that, it was because she didn't want to share the money.
Joanna- By the way where is the money?
Me-i think we lost it.
Joanna- Tsk, maybe another time
Me- Yeah.

With that Joanna and I got up and headed to the back of the island so we could leave from the place we came.
"Do you even realize what you did?"
I turned my head to see the same man yelling.
"Yeah we lost our money" I said.
"No, y-you destroyed the (r/n/b = random name for the building)" he said as he pointed at the building behind him.
Joanna- (r/n/b)? so what's with that building.
Man- It belongs to world government
Me- ok...sooo?
Man- you'll get into a big trouble
Joanna- we're pirates, we always are in trouble.


Me- Tsk....hahaha
Joanna- what are you laughing at?
Me- I just wanna see Ace's expression when he finds about it.
Joanna- Hahaha what about Law, can you even imagine his face hahahaha.

We both laughed at our thoughts.
After a while I waved at Joanna and then we parted our ways.

~timeskip~ (because author-chan's too lazy)
-At Moby dick-

"Hey Pops, hey guy" I sad but got no response. Everyone was glaring at me and I was wondering why.
"Uhm, guys what's wrong?"
I asked "what's wrong, now you tell what is this" Marco said and he showed me the newspaper
'Big trouble for the world government'
'Saron D. (y/n) and Saron D. Joanna or with the new name the world has gave them : The deadly twins destroyed the (r/n/b). What is wrong? Are they so crazy to do something like that? Why are they challenging world government like this. Why so suddenly?

"Huh" I chuckled at what the newspaper said "So?" Jozu asked.
Me - So what?
Marco - what do you mean so what?
Ace - Do you even realize what you did?

I didnt reply nd turned around to face pops I gave him a look who said 'what now?' he just smiled, I was just glad that pops did not have a problem at that. I turned my head again to the guys.

Me - what's your problem
Me - hey im not stupid.

The others just laughed at our little 'fight'. Then Haruta came close and handed me a piece of paper "(y/n) take a look at this"

Saron D. (Y/n)
Dead or Alive

"Bitch I'm fabulous" I screamed "You are what?" Ace yelled at me "I'm fabulous" Ace glared at me.

"Whatever, I'm tired I'm going to sleep"

"Hey you can't leave like that" Marco shouted.

"Of course I can thats what I'm doing right now, good night"


Author-chan's baaaack
So guys, let me tell ya something, first I wanna start with saying sorry that I haven't update in like forever.
After school started I was really busy, more than before, but I'll try to be more active and update once a week.
Thats all for todays chapter

See ya in the chapter 14 😄

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