Chapter 12 - Happy birthday

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Your POV

It was 24th of December, we were all preparing for the Christmas Party.
Marco and Thach were decorating the ship. Some of the members would cook etc. I was decorating the ship along with Marco and Thach.

It was now the 25th of Decmeber, and that meant only one thing, CHILRISTMAS.

"LETS HAVE A PARTY, MERRY CHTISTMAS MY SONS AMD MY DAUGHTHER" Pops yelled and we all started to party. We danced, we drank and in general we had fan.

After the Christmas party, we were preparing for the new years party.

Αt the 31th of December I was about to buy a present for Ace's birthday.

I walked out from my room and headed to the deck. There I saw Joanna.

"Hey, shitty"

"Hey, bitch"

"What do you want, I don't have money"

"Aparently, I dont want money,I decorate the ship and got presents for the others and I was getting bored so I decided to come here"

"Okay. Then come with I'm going to buy something for Ace"


"Pops I'm leaving I'll be back soon"

After 3 hours I found something for Anecklace with red pearls.(let's just say that the necklace he wears is a present from you)

"okay so you'll return now?"I asked

"Yep, Law has maybe gone insane cause I'm not there" she chuckled.

"Okay, so then, we'll talk next year" I said and we both laughed.



After 1 hour I returned back.

31th December 23:59:50 pm

"10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1 HAPPY NEW YEARS"

I saw Ace standing alone staring at the ocean, he didnt seem to be so happy.And I knew why. I walked towards him.

"Hey" I hugged him from behind.
"Hey" he said.

"We are here"

"I don't want to come, I'm good here"

"Ace, I know what you're thinking,I don't think you'll take this as an awnser because you know how much I love you, but, yes, it was a good think you were born" Ace's eyes widened while looking at mine. He didnt say anything but just hugged me.

"By the way, this is for ypu" I said as I haneded him the present. He opened it. "(y/n) this is perfect, thank you" He leaned in and kissed me.

"Hey you two love birds come here, especially you Ace its your birthday after all"

"Yeah" he put on the necklace and walked towards the others.

I watched as they had fun. 'my baby turned 19' I thought to myself. I was glad that he had fun on his birthday.

"Hey (y/n) come here why are you standing there alone"

"Yeah, yeah I'm coming" I said as I walked towards them.

It was a great new year and birthday party.


Hey minaaaaaa
I know its sort but its the second time I right it the first time it was deleted and I was angry as fuck

Anyways hope you like it.


see ya in the chapter 13😄

Loving Touches (Ace x Reader)✔[EDITING]Where stories live. Discover now