Chapter 9 - Dark king

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After that night you and Ace were finally together, something that you wanted since the day you joined the Whitebeard pirates.

You decided to keep it a secret but that wasn't so easy. Ace would always teased you and trying to kiss you or hug when people where around, you were trying to tell him "Ace not here" but we're talking about Ace. Sometimes you'd even punched him to stop.

-1 week later-

You decided to go on a trip on Sabody Archipelago. You sure wanted Ace to come with you but you were not so sure about this so you decided not to tell him.

They main reason you wanted to go was because you recently learned that pirate's king right hand is living there, you wanted to meet him and tell you about your mother. Ok sure you could ask your father but you knew how painful it was for him and how much he missed her so you decided not to make him get emotional. And thats why you didnt tell Ace about sabody. You were about to meet his father's right hand man, and you knew how much he hated his father.

"Pops" you called out as you greeted the huge man sitting on his chair.

"Good morning my daughter, is everything ok?"

"Y-yeah e-everythings fine its j-just" you started to sweat it wasn't so easy to look him straight into his eyes since you were hiding something.

"(Y/n) is everything fine, are you hiding something from me?" He asked. You took a deep breath and replied "no pops I would never hide anything from you. I just wanted to ask you, can I go on a trip"

"A trip? And where are you heading on?"


"Sabody? And why is that?"

You explained the reason why you wanted to go to sabody and meet this man and Whitebeard accepted. You said your goodbyes to crew...except Ace.

"Dont get into a big trouble" Marco said before you left "dont worry I won't" with that you completely left the ship.

-1 week later-

Once you reached Sabody, you started looking for the man you wanted to  meet.

3 hours passed and still you hadn't find him yet. You wanted to rest a little so you decided to drink something so you found a bar.

As you entered the bar and greeted the woman there, you order sake.

"Saki bring sake for me too" a man in your right said you turned to face him and you realized "I'm sorry, are you reyligh?"

"Yeah, Dark king Silvers Reyligh, and who are you?"

"My name is (y/n).....Saron D. (Y/n)"

"Saron D? Do you have any relation to--"

"Saron D. Azami? Yes! She is my mother I came here to find you because I want you to tell me some things about my mother, what kind of person she was? I-i dont really remember her"

"Was? Isnt she alive?"

"No, she died when I was two years old trying to protect me and my sister"

"I see. I'm sorry...well you wanted to know about your mother ha? I can tell you, she was a kind person, she'd never treat anyone bad, but when it came to fight she was worst than Satan" the man said laughing and you laughed as well

"I guess your father is shanks?"

"Yeah how did you know?"

"It was obvious, I remember how close those two were"

After some hours of talking you realized it was time to go, Moby Dick's really far and you gotta return.

"It was really nice to meet you Rayligh-san I hope we'll meet together and the next time I'll bring my sister with me. It was nice to meet you too Saki-chan."

"Yeah. Goodbye (y/n)" Reyligh said as he waved at you, so did Saki"

You exited the bar and tried to find the way to leave this place.

-1 hour later-

As you were walking around the town  you felt a hand on your mouth. Someone was behind you trying to kill you ? You tried to escaped but failed 1-2 minutes passed and your oxygen was reducing and everything went black.

               👇READ BELOW👇
My apologizes I'm really really sorry I haven't update for a month I know but I'm to busy with school.
There are so many things but not enough time.
I have school (exam period alert) the English class, and except school and stuff like this I started watching bungou stray dogs and k want to finish it (I guess I'm going to wright a fanfiction in the near future Chūya x reader).
I'm preparing a birthday present for a friend of mine e.t.c. I'm trying to say that I have no so much time for everything I'm sorry.

Well Thursday 19/12/2017 is the last of school for me and then I'm free.

Also I want to update two more chapters in this book and I'm January 1st I'll post a chapter for Ace's birthday ....I just hope I have the time to do this.

Also I know I haven't post for month and now I post a short  chapter....but I didnt know what to do trust me the next chapter will be really good.

See ya in the chapter 10😊

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