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~Smut Level:4~

"~sleigh bells ring, are ya listening,"

"~in the lane, snow in glistening. A beautiful sight, we're happy tonight, walking in a winter wonderland."

You swung your hips to the rhythm of the music as you hung ornaments on the Christmas tree.

You'd spent your day decorating the house for the holiday season. It was already Christmas Eve, but you had put off decorating in hopes you'd be able to do it with your fiancé. Sadly his flight wouldn't make it in until Christmas morning so you were left to hang ordainments by yourself.

Just as you thought of him, your phone rang and you jumped for it.



A smile grew on your face at the sound of his voice. "Shiro! I'm so excited to see you!"

The man on the other end laughed. "I'm excited to see you too."

"I already put up the tree, I thought you'd probably be too tired to do it when you get home, and the stockings are hung, turkey is out to thaw, and Keith called saying him and his new girlfriend are coming for dinner! Isn't that great?"

The other line was silent as you waited for Shiro to answer.

"Shiro? Is everything okay?"

"No," he sighed. "Something came up at the base, I won't be able to make it home for another week."

Your smile slowly turned to a frown and you slumped down into the couch.

"(Y/N)? You still there?"

"Yeah! Yeah- I'm still here."

"You know how unpredictable the army can be. I can't be home tomorrow but I'll definitely be home soon, okay?"

"Okay." You nodded.

"I love you, and say hi to Keith and his new girlfriend for me, okay?"

You laughed lightly. "I will. I love you too."

The line went dead and you dropped both your arms to your sides, lulling your head back on the couch.

This will be the second Christmas in a row that Shiro missed because of the army. But how could you be mad? He was off fighting to defend your country like the amazing man he was.

Picking up the phone, you dialled the same number you did last Christmas and waited as it rang.

"Hi, (Y/N)?"

"Hey Keith, what're you up to?"

"We're just packing for the drive tomorrow, why'd you call?"

You sighed. "I just got off the phone with your brother-"

Keith groaned on the other end. "He's not coming, is he?"

You stayed silent, and that's all the confirmation Keith needed.

"Well, we still are. As much as I hate Christmas, no one should be alone on the holidays. We'll see you around 11:30, okay?"

"Yeah, thanks Keith."

"No problem, see ya."

You placed the phone back on its receiver and laid down on the couch, wrapping a knitted blanket around your shoulders and Shiro's fat, grey cat Eddy jumped up to lay with you.

You looked around the room at the unfinished tree, the empty stockings, and the empty seats that surrounded you. What happened to the good old days when the house would be filled with people on Christmas Eve and Christmas Day? The days when Christmas carols would be sung and presents would flood the living room floor. Those were the times you missed.

~ ~ ~

Something tickled the tip of your nose.

"Eddy, leave me alone." You mumbled, swatting away what you thought was the cat.

That was until a deep chuckled made your eyes pop open and your heart rate spike.

"Shiro!?" You sat up and came face-to-face with your fiancé.

"W-what are you doing here?! You said that you weren't going to be home! How? Wh-" you were cut off by a pair of lips crashing onto yours.

"I lied. I wanted to surprise you."

You wrapped your arms around Shiro's neck and pulled him close to you, and he slid his hands under your thighs, hoisting you up into his arms.

He was still wearing his uniform and the way it hugged his waist and defined his wide shoulders created butterflies in your stomach.

Shiro sat back on the couch, setting you in his lap as your hands knitted themselves in his hair. His hands slipped under the hem of your red Christmas sweater, and he took his time to feel every inch of your skin as the two of you made up for all the time you were apart.

That was before the front door opened.

"Woah! You knew we were gonna be here at 11:30! Why're you feeling each other up in the living room?"

You jumped off Shiro and wiped your mouth as Keith and another boy came into the house.

"And I thought you were stuck in Afghanistan?"

Shiro stood up and went over to hug his brother. "I lied to surprise you two. Now where's this girlfriend we've heard about? And who's this?"

Keith glanced at the boy beside him before lacing their fingers together.

"Shiro, (Y/N), this is my boyfriend, Lance."

You and Shiro glanced at each their for a second before laughing.

"Welcome to the family, Lance," you said. "I suggest you run while you still can."

Shiro raised a brow and slowly walked over to you. "What's that supposed to mean, huh?"

Your fiancé started to wiggle his fingers and you reflexively threw a pillow at him.

"Don't you dare!"

Shiro smirked before pouncing on you and tickling your sides, showing no mercy.

"Can you guys quit it with the PDA?"

You and Shiro broke apart and everyone looked over at the tan boy who was laughing next to Keith.

"I already like your family."

You looked over to Shiro and smiled.

"Merry Christmas."

Late Christmas update 😂 like... a month late...
Anyway! Have a nice day!

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