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~Smut Level:3~
~Don't Play Song Yet~

You sat in the lounge with a bottle of blue liquid that was best described as Altea's version of wine with the same flavour and thickness as the stuff back on Earth. Since the others were on a nearby planet doing a performance for the coalition, you decided to help yourself and drink straight out of the bottle.

The door to the lounge slid open after half the bottle was gone and Lance walked in, clad in his blue paladin armour.

"Lance." You greeted with a happy smile.

"(Y/N)? What're you doing?"

You stood up and stumbled slightly before walking over to Lance and leaning on his shoulder, twirling one of your fingers in his hair.

"(Y/N), are you drunk?"

Shaking your head, your rested your chin on his shoulder. 

"Your hair is really soft. Can I touch it?"

"You are touching it, (Y/N). Let me get my armour off and I'll get you to bed, okay?"

You shook your head and took another long swig from the wine bottle. "I'm not tired."

"Based on the amount you've drank you will be when your head hits the pillow." Lance moved away from you to go in the direction of his bedroom and you followed him.

"(Y/N), no, go back to the lounge and I'll come get you after I'm out of my armour."

You stuck out your lower lip and shook your head. "I don't want to."

Lance sighed and pinched the bridge of his nose. "Fine. Come on."

You perked up and followed Lance to his room, the wine bottle still firmly gripped in your hand.

"Sit in the desk chair and don't move until I say so." Lance commanded once you reached his room.

You did as told, slumping down in the desk chair and taking another sip from the bottle in your hand.

Lance finally noticed the bottle and took it out of you grasp. "No more. You're drunk enough already."

You whined but it didn't faze Lance. He took the bottle with him to the other side of the room and laid it on his dresser while he removed his paladin armour.

"If you think whining and complaining will work on me, you're wrong. I have two younger siblings and two nieces and nephews. I'm immune."

You crossed your arms and stared at Lance as he stripped off the tight, black bodysuit he wore under his armour and threw on his regular hoodie.

"Okay, to your room we go." Lance said, trying to lift you from the chair.

Instead of cooperating, you let your body go limp and Lance had to wrap both his arms around your waist to keep you upright.

"You smell good." You mumbled against Lance's chest.

"I mean thanks, but I smell like sweat from the last performance."

You shook your head and took a deep breath through your nose, letting Lance's sent fill your senses. "No, you smell like flowers and soap. I like it."

You heard a ding but wasn't curious enough to open your eyes or lift your head off Lance's chest.

"What was that? I couldn't really hear you."

"I said you smell good! Was that loud enough for you?"

"Crystal clear." Lance chuckled.

Lance lifted you up like a sack of potatoes and threw you over his shoulder before leaving his room.

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