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~Smut Level: 3

You bounced on the balls of your feet impatiently while you waited for Keith to board the ship. He'd been gone for almost four straight weeks with the blade, and this was the first time he'd been able to visit since leaving.

"What's wrong with her?" Lotor whispered to Lance.

"Oh, (Y/N)? She just wants to see Keith."


Lance sighed. "They're dating. Don't Galra date? Or do you guys just boom, boom, pow and pop out kids?"

"Of course." Lotor nodded. "Dating is very common with young Galra."

You ignored the two bickering boys and raced towards the door as it opened, throwing your arms around Keith the second you laid eyes on him.

"Keith! I missed you so much!"

Keith laughed softly and wrapped his arms around your waist and buried his face in your neck.

"I missed you too."

The two of you broke apart and Keith held your hand.

"Nice to see you, Keith." Shiro nodded.

Everyone else voiced happy greetings and Keith smiled shyly. "Thanks guys. Actually, I'm still technically on a mission with the blade, but I wanted you guys to meet someone-"

You cocked a brow in curiosity and Shiro matched your expression.

"Who is it?"

Taking a deep breath, Keith spoke slowly. "Her names Krolia, she's- she's my mom."

[AN: I'm making an assumption in the next paragraph]

Your heart rate sped up and was beating a mile a minute. Back on Earth you met Keith's dad a few times before he passed away and he made you nervous even though he was one of the nicest guys you've ever met. Meeting Keith's alien mom was a whole other story. She was Galra, and the Galra were all tall, muscular and extremely scary. Not to meantion they were trying to take over the universe.

"Your. . . mom?" You mumbled.

"Yeah, she's waiting in the hallway to meet you guys."

Allura gasped. "Keith! Don't just leave your mother out in the hall, bring her in! I'm sure I speak for everyone when I say we want to meet her!"

Smiling, Keith let go of your now clammy hand and went to open the control room door.

Everyone gathered together to see what Keith's mom looked like, but you hung back and stood behind the paladins with Lotor.

"Don't you want to meet your mates mother?" He asked.

"I do. . . but it's just. . . Galra women are scary."

Lotor chuckled. "I don't disagree, but based off his face-" Lotor pointed to Keith who was looking past the others to find you, "-he wants you to meet her, whether it ends good or not."

You glared at the purple man. He was right. You didn't like it when Lotor of all people was right.


The other paladins had moved to the side and you met Keith's desperate gaze. You could tell he wanted this to go well, and seeing him so vulnerable calmed some of your nerves.

"Krol- Mom, this is (Y/N)." Keith introduced.

The woman standing in front of you oozed a powerful aura. She had smooth, purple skin with bright yellow eyes, and her hair was cropped short other than the thin ponytail hanging down her back. She was beautiful, and Keith got all her good features.

"Hi." You chocked. "It's nice to meet you Miss-"



"Call me, Krolia."

You felt heat rush to your cheeks and you nodded silently.

Keith walked over to your side and took your hand, and you gripped it tight.

"(Y/N)'s my girlfriend. We've been together since before I started at the Garrison."

Krolia looked you up and down, her face completely expressionless.

Then she spoke. "She's small like your father."

A warm smile spread across Krolia's face and you felt any anxiety you had previously melt away.

Krolia held out her hand to shake. "I'm glad my son has had someone like you to support him. It's not easy letting him leave to join the blade, but it makes it easier on him to have your support."

You took Krolia's hand but looked at Keith who's face was flushed.

"Now!" Krolia clapped her hands. "Shiro was it? You've known my son since he was young, correct?"

Shiro nodded his head and grinned evilly.

"Good. I want to know everything. First steps, first kiss, first time he laughed, when he lost his v-"


You laughed at Keith's distressed face and so did all the others.

"What? I can't be curious about the life of my son?"

Shiro walked over to your side and laid a hand in your shoulder. "This girl could probably tell you more about all Keith's firsts than I could."

Krolia smiles at you. "Great. Should we find somewhere to talk?"

No longer feeling on edge or nervous, you nodded your head and started making your way to the lounge.

"What just happened?" Keith asked, then the door closed behind you.


 this comment literally sums up my life 😂 shout out my friend!

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... this comment literally sums up my life 😂 shout out my friend!

This story was requested so wherever our young friend is... shout out! And I hope you liked it!

Word Count: 850

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