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You stared up at the ceiling as Lance chatted away next to you. He was saying something about some alien he had spent time with on the last planet the team had visited, but you were too tired to pay attention.


You glanced over at Lance who was watching you expectingly.


The brunette rolled his eyes. "I asked if you were listening, but obviously you weren't."

"Sorry about that. I'm listening now." You turned to face Lance and waited patiently for him to speak.

"I said, that Leera had the sweetest little snores ever! And when she sleeps her lips part slightly, so it's perfect for morning kisses!" Lance sighed and looked off into space like he was imagining his new alien girlfriend right now. "It's the greatest feeling to wake up next to the person you love."

You looked down at your hands in your lap. Ten thousand years ago you were frozen in a pod at the age of sixteen along with your cousin and her man servant, and because of that you never got the chance to have a real relationship like the ones Lance talked about. It made your chest ache.

Lance must have noticed your mood change, because he trapped you under his arm and ruffled your hair.

"Don't worry, (Y/N). I bet Keith drools and snores like a motor boat when he sleeps!"

Heat rushed to your face and you pushed Lance away, swatting his arm.

"Shut up!"

"What's going on in here?"

Speak of the devil and he shall appear. Your face went from warm to boiling as Keith walked in and sat down across from you and Lance.

"Nothing, (Y/N) and I were just talking about how amazing it is to wake up next to someone. Oh, and your snoring."

"How did those two things come up in the same conversation?" Keith asked. "And I don't snore."

You couldn't handle it anymore. Your face was probably red as a tomato and it didn't help that Kieth was staring straight at you.

"Well! I don't know about you guys but I'm going to train before dinner." You said, heading to leave the common room.

"I'll come too."

You whipped around to see Keith standing to follow you and Lance wiggling his eyebrows suggestively.


~ ~ ~

Keith battled a gladiator on one side of the training room while you fought your own on the other.

You genuinely wanted to get some training in before dinner, but now that Keith was here all you could pay attention to was him. How sweat dripped down his neck and disappeared under the collar of his shirt, and the graceful yet powerful movements he made. All of it was very distracting.

"End training sequence." Keith spoke, and lifted up the bottom of his shirt to wipe his face, showing off his toned stomach.

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