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~Smut Level: 2~

You smacked Lance's arm and when he looked down at you, you tilted your head to the left. Your best friend glanced in that direction and he rolled his eyes once he spotted what you were all hyped up about.

Keith was sitting at your table, waiting for the two of you to join him.

"If you want to go sit with him, go sit with him, I can get my pudding on my own." Lance said.

You gripped Lance's arm. "I can't do that! That's weird!"

"You used to take bathes with the guy when we were kids, I'm pretty sure you can go sit with him and it won't be weird."

You bit your lip. "You're right! Let's do this!"

You walked over to the table and sat across from Keith, but his eyes didn't budge from the book in front of him.

"Hey, Keith."


"How are you?"


You huffed as the conversation died and tapped your nails on the table, waiting for Lance to come back with his pudding so you could steal some.

"You guys sure are talkative." Lance said, laying his lunch tray down.

As soon as he did, you took his pudding cup and Keith closed his book, turning his attention to the two of you.

"(Y/N)." Lance warned. "Put. The. Pudding. Down."

You scooped up a spoonful and licked your lips. "But it's so tempting."

"Don't you dare"

You wrapped your lips around the spoon and hummed, making Lance's mouth drop open and form an "O" shape.

"Pudding thief!"

You laughed and took another bite. Lance growled and tackled you for the cup, but to both of your disappointment Keith took it from your hand and started eating it himself.

"Keith!?" You both whined.

"I wanted to see what the fuss was about." He shrugged. "And I don't get it, the apple sauce is better."

You and Lance both gasped.

"The apple sauce?" You asked.

"Is better?" Lance added.

Keith shrugged. "Yeah. It has more flavour."

You and Lance glanced between each other before looking back at your friend.

"I'm sorry, Keith." Lance said. "But you're wrong."


The bell rang and Lance waved a goodbye to you and Keith, since his class was in the opposite direction.

"Hey Keith, how about the two of us hangout some time?" You asked.

Keith didn't look at you as you spoke. "We hang out all the time."

"Well yeah, but we're always with Lance. I mean just the two of us! We could go do things without worrying about Lance complaining it's 'lame'."

Keith shut his locker and for the first time today, looked you in the eyes. "Sure, meet me in the parking lot after school?"

You nodded your head and smiled excitedly.

"All right, well I have calculus, I'll see you later then."

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