Hetalia (country x reader) & (country x country)

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( America x sad reader)

You were always the saddest girl ever. The countries tried to make you happy but failed at it. You were never happy because when you were just 14 years old, robbers came crashing into your house and had guns pointed at your mom and dad.

You were forced to watch them die in front of your eyes because one of them were holding you and made you watch the whole thing. It made you scared that you started to cry, the only last words you heard from your parents were "We always loved you so much and we want you to be happy and move on. When you are older find someone to l-......." you didn't hear the rest because at that moment they killed both your parents.

The robbers left you in the house ( they threw you at the ground).....they kicked both your mom and one of them shooted your dad a bunch of times.. one robber said "Your mommy and daddy are worthless like you!" that was the last thing you remembered. Everyday you would cry every night while no one saw you.

  America POV:

(y/n) is always sad. I want to make her happy but it never works. She cries at night and doesn't show it to no one. I know this because I'm always outside looking out of her window inside her room. I maybe a stalker, but only to her because I care about her and I want to be her hero.

Today for sure I'm going to make her happy and I won't fail because I'M THE HERO!!! She is going to have so much fun! Hehehehe!!! I will ask her out on a date!!!!

Your POV:

You were at your house and tried to relax but it didn't help and it made you shake and sad as usual. You heard a knock on your door, you ran over to the door and you stopped shaking. When you opened the door you saw the happy American standing there with a wide smile.

"Hi (y/n)!!!!"

"Oh hello America what do you need?"

"I want you to go out with me on a date!!!"

"A date with you?" Suddenly you started to blush a dark red. You didn't know what was happening to you and you never felt your heart beat that fast too.

"Yes! A date!!!! Will you go out with me to the movies?!!"

"S-sure!" What's happening to me...... I can feel heat in my face and my heart beating really fast.

"Okay!!! Yay!!! I will pick you up at 3:00 p.m.!"

"Okay I will w-wait for you....."

"This is going to be awesome!" He kissed you on the cheek really fast and left..... he was laughing when he was running all happy.

"That was weird!" I looked at the clock and it was 12 p.m. I took my clothes and went to take a shower and I began to remember that memory, I started to cry... but managed to hold them back and relaxed on the shower. I put on my (f/c) tank top and a white t-shirt that said "America" with white, blue, and red like the American flag. It made me blush because it made me think of Alfred. Then I put on my favorite jeans and (f/c) converse.

I brushed my (long or short) hair and put on a white bow. It was 1:30..... I cooked food and ate a hamburger with french fries with a large sized coke. I was still sad and I was feeling strange too. I tried to calm down but it wasn't working at all. My heart was beating, I keep on thinking about Alfred, and I blush every single time I'm with him. It was finally 3:00 and I heard a car beep, I ran to the door and opened it a little bit. I peeked to see who it was. America got out of the car to go where I was and came closer to me. He winked at me and smiled.

"Hey (y/n)! Ready to go?!!"

"Yes..." you blushed and America took your hand which made you blush even more but you were still sad with fear and it made you shake a lot.

"(y/n) why are you shaking?" He felt worried

You didn't respond, you kept on shaking and started to cry really loud.

"(y/n)!!!" He didn't know what to do so he hugged you tight. You hugged him back which made you stop crying a little bit. ( You were crying because of that memory)

"(y/n) please tell me why are you always sad.... look! I always see you cry at night in your room when no one is looking because I want to help you!"

You stopped crying, eyes were wide open and you saw the American with tears streaming down his face.

" Alfred.... my parents died when I was 14 years old. Four strangers broke in......in our house! They started to throw everything and took a lot of stuff away from us. When they were finished they put a gun between my mom and dad. One of them were holding me forcing me to watch the whole thing. My parents last words came from my mom. Her last words were "We loved you so much and we want you to be happy and move on. When you are older find someone to l-l....," I didn't hear the rest because at that moment they shoot both of them. I screamed "NOOOOOO!!!!".

Then at the end they said I was worthless like my parents. Every time I remember this memory..... it makes me cry and shake. I'm sorry if you are worrying about me but I will never be happy ever."  I started crying and at that moment I felt a kiss in my lips.

America kissed me softly. I melt into it. He pulled off and took a breath. " (y/n) I love you...... I'm sorry about what happened to your mom and dad. I truly am! But your mom is right, you have to move on and be happy. I want to protect you, be your one and only hero, and I want you to be happy and to give me just one smile." He was right...I should move on and try to be happy for once. It's been 20 years I have never smiled or even tried to be happy. I went slowly crossing my lips forming into a smile and I smiled! I actually smiled! America looked at me with eyes wide open and was completely shocked.

"(y/n) y-you smiled!!!"

"I did, because you make me happy than anyone else. I think what I'm feeling for you is l-love..... I love you America and you are my hero forever." You leaned into Alfred pulling him into a soft small kiss in his lips. Alfred smiled and pulled you into a hug. Then you remembered what your mom said "We loved you so much and we want you to be happy and move on.

When you are older find someone to l....." Then you thought to yourself at the last word your mom said. You finally knew what she meant. It was love... you finally live in happiness and fell in love with America. Yall two lived happily ever after, got married, and had two kids that looked exactly like your husband Alfred.

Hetalia (country x reader) & (country x country)Where stories live. Discover now