Wearing a dress to impress (France)

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                (France x Tomboy reader)

You simply love one person and that person was that perverted France. The only thing you hated was that he flirts to different girls in front of you that looked fancy or like a stripper. It made you jealous, mad, and walk away huffing and puffing leaving him all confused.

Dresses, skirts, tank tops, and other girlie stuff weren't your thing. You just hated them, it made you feel uncomfortable. Although T-shirts and pants were the only thing you wore and love and you liked doing boy stuff! When you were little you ripped dolls heads and cut their hair with scissors and laughed evil throwing them away. Instead of playing dolls you played with cars or video games. You even liked riding on a skateboard too which was your favorite thing to do.

Most of your friends were all girly and always went to the movies or the mall when they were bored. They also tried to make you go which made you mad and ignore them.

The only one who understands you was France. He didn't care if you were a tomboy or not, he thought you were beautiful the way you were. That's the reason why you like him.

You tried your hardest to win Francis heart but it wasn't easy when girls came to him and flirt right in front of you! That feeling makes you sad and unwanted making your heart break in a million of pieces shattering just like that, but today you had a plan to make him get away from the ladies and stay with him alone for once.

  Your Pov*°*°*°*°*(0w0)

"Francis!!" I ran in slow motion trying to act flashy like he always did when he runs so flashy. He turned around to see me wearing a big puffy white dress, a big fancy hat, and a fan on my hand. He blushed on how beautiful I was!

"Oh hallo mon ami, what are you doing looking so beautiful?"

"I came to see if you like my frenchy fancy dress! Do you like it?" I twirled around and lifted my fan fanning myself on my face only showing my eyes. I hope this works because I bought all of this for him which costed $1000!!! >:(

"Yeah, it looks pretty but why are you wearing zhat? You usually wear jeans and t-shirts because you said dresses weren't your zhing ma chiere~?" He blushed looking at the new me wearing a stupid dress and not the tomboy I am. I blushed and looked away pouting "I....I....I wanted to impress you.....that's all."

"Well, you look beautiful zhan zhe other girls I've met honhonhon~" He smirked and checked me out as I blushed. I hid my face with my (c/h) (l/h) hair making sure he didn't look at me blushing for the first time.

Then unexpectedly France lifted my dress up looking at my..........bear.......panties! He stuttered out "B-bears..." My face turned into a tomato and I felt really embarrassed so I slapped him straight in the face. "YOU PERVERT! AND BEARS ARE COOL, SO DON'T JUDGE ME!" I fluffed my dress and looked at him while he flipped his hair and smirked.

"I like it, I like what you are wearing. You know....you should wear dresses like zhis honhonhon~" He got a little close to me and again I slapped him as I breathed heavily and blushed. At least we were alone in a field of pretty roses though. Although I wished it looked more tomboyish instead of being so girlie looking. Then after a few minutes of silence I saw like three girls running to what seemed coming close to where we were.

Oh boy, they came for France again! Luckily I had a sweet sweet sweet plan to get them away from my French territory~! Eeeeck I sound like France! Oooh I love it hehehe!

"Franceee!!!" The three girls yelled at the same time getting France's attention. He looked at them with a rape face and lean close to them like always. Gahhhh I hate it when he does that to them.

"France do you like my new dress?" said the girl with a more puffier and fancier pink dress as she fluttered like a stupid butterfly. Yeck, this French girl had a squeaky voice which made France look at the pure innocence of her.

"Zhat looks so fashio-"

"Fashionably stupid! Right France?" I said interrupting his statement and laughing as I slapped his back really hard like a lot of times. The girl looked at me and hrmphed at me as I giggled making France laugh nervously to the three girls. "Pardon moi for zhat ladies, ______ didn't mean to say zhat."

"Pshhh whatever I'm just saying the truth!" A girl with a green dress gasped and gave me a disgusted look and the other girl with yellow dress smirked at me saying, "At least we look more flashy and flirtier than you"

"Oh yeah well guess what?! I'm more of a flirt than you!"

"Proof it!" said the girl with the pink dress twirling like a bunch of times which got really annoying, but I knew exactly what to do! I hesitantly grabbed Francis face and crashed his lips into mine then pulled away blushing and fake faint falling into France's arms like those ladies they do in the movies and blushed even more.

He blushed and looked at my face as I winked and got up poking the pink dress girl on the nose. "Ploop! I kissed him~ Now get out or I will beat you up because I know how to kick some ass!" They didn't believe me so they pushed me away and kept flirting at my MAN! Forgetting I ever kissed him?! What the hell was wrong with them?! Okay, they asked for it!

Lucky for me these high heels had those high thingys that made you look tall and it looks like it can hurt a person. I smirked and kicked one of them on the back making her yelp and run away as I kept kicking her with an evil aura behind me, as for the two others they looked at me shocked and scared. So, they ran for the lives as I chased them down and gave up and went back to France who was still blushing from the kiss I'm guessing.

"__-____ y-you k-kissed m-me?"

"Yeah sorry, I was just jealous of them because I don't want to see them flirting with the guy I...........l-love" I looked at the ground blushing as he smiled and pulled my chin up with his fingers making me blush even more as I saw his face with a sweet innocent unpeverted smile.

"Do you love me mon ami~?" He leaned close to me purring in my ear with his hot breath coming inside my ear making me shiver and nod hesitantly. "Y-yes....d-do you?"

He pulled me into a kiss for what seemed like a minute and pulled away "Does zhat answer your question~?"

"Oui!!! Hey France?"

"Yes my beautiful fleur"

"Will you promise me that you will never flirt with another girl?" He nodded and smiled holding out his pinky "I swear"

I gladly hold my pink out and pink sweared with the one I love. Then I hugged him tightly saying, "I love you!" He hugged me back and said "I love you too and I don't care how you look because I will always think you are beautiful zhe way you are in the inside and outside and I want you to know I will always protect and love you forever my beautiful rose."

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