The story of Alice and prince charming (Kiku & Alice)

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I ship these two like for reals!!!! Asakiku except that Arthur is Alice.... I hope you like this story!!!! :3


The story of Alice and Prince Charming

Once upon a time there lived a girl named Alice. She lived in a castle with her stepmother. Her step mom was mean to her because she made Alice clean everyday inside the castle and she couldn't go outside at all. Her stepmother would kill her if she did. Alice hated her and she hates living in the castle with her. She wanted to escape out of this rigid place. Alice tried to escape once but failed, her stepmother caught her when Alice found the key to open the door to get out of the castle.

Francine (her stepmother and France hehehe from nyotalia) locked Alice on top of the castle where the room was dark. Alice had to stay there for a week and eat a little bit while she starved to death. There was this one time when she made scones for Francine..... she didn't like it, so she threw it on the floor almost dying. Alice cries everyday and tries to escape from her psycho step mother who tries to rape her.

Alice has long blond hair that was put up in pigtails with two pins on her left side in front of her hair. She wears a blue dress with a white apron attached to it. Her eyes were emerald green eyes and she wore glasses. Alice always had a broom with her at all times. She treasured this broom that her mom gave her when she was ten years old.

Alice's mother had to leave her with Francine so that they wouldn't kill her Alice alive for being a princess. Her mother was a queen and her dad was a king. Francine had short blond hair, blue eyes, and wore a blue dress. She always had a rose with her at all times.

Alice dreamed of going outside and be free on living her new life. The next day a young boy around her age walking by the forest. His name was Kiku Honda. He had a dog by his side named Pochi. Kiku has black hair and dark chocolate brown eyes. He had a white collared suit with yellow buttons. Kiku was walking and saw a castle nearby.

Kiku's Pov:

I was rearry bored staying at my house so I decided to go travel to Engrand and learn more about their culture. I packed up and took Pochi with me. I arso took my katana just in case if something happens to me or Pochi. I went warking for a rong time and went inside an airprane. When we got there we finarry arrived in Engrand. It was arready morning! Me and Pochi got out of the prane. I was feering hungry. I went to an Engrand restaurant and saw a band carred 1D.

They arr had British accents..... apparentry I knew they were from Engrand. I asked very politery how do you pay with English money. They started raughing at me and made fun of my accent. I reft and I fert even more hungry so I asked a different person how to use english money. This ord person herped me and smired at me.

I thanked him and me and Pochi went to a burger prace. Both of us ate burgers and then I reft with Pochi. I was hording my money in my hands. I saw gangsters coming straight at me and kicked Pochi. "What the fuck are you doing!!!!" I yerred at them and picked up Pochi. One of them got arr of my money and ran away reaving me with no English money at arr.

I warked arr day rong and Pochi was tired. I picked him up and began to wark in the forest where no one can find us. I seriousry don't want to hurt peopre with my katana. I noticed there was a castle in this forest out of nowhere. Maybe I courd rive there with Pochi!!! "Come on Pochi! Let's go check it out!"

Kiku and his dog ran to the castle and he saw a pretty girl with blond hair in pigtails. He was already disappointed because someone already lives there. He walked towards her and yelled "Konichiwa!!! My name is Kiku Honda." Alice looked down all the way to the bottom because she was at the top of the castle in her dark room.

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