Anime Freak (Japan)

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(Japan x weird reader)

"Omg!!! Anime is so awesome!!!!" You said to yourself walking inside a manga store. You found yourself one of your favorite manga book called _________. You ran to the cashier and you noticed that it was an Asian guy who has pretty black hair that just looked so perfect, dark brown chocolate eyes, and he looked so cute!!!! You stared off into space or daydreaming of him and you didn't even pay attention.

"Ummm..... miss you are hording up the line!" said the cashier.

"Oh yeah! Sorry........."

"No it's okay......I see you are a fan of anime."

"Yeshhhh!!! I love anime!!! It's so freaking awesome but I'm also kind of weird too." He noticed you were definitely an anime freak because your shirt had your favorite singer Hatsune Miku, an anime guy on your pants, and your shoes were from an anime show called Ouran High School Host Club.

"Wow! I rike anime too!"

" That's awesome!!!!" you heard customers groaning and went to a different cashier or left somewhere else, but you didn't care.

"Do you want to come to my house so I can show you my correction (collection) of anime/manga?"

You agreed and then you bought your manga book and followed the Japanese boy to his house.

"My name is Kiku and what's your name?"

"Oh my name is (y/n)!!!!"

"That's a pretty name (y/n) chan."

"T-Thank you!" Suddenly you became to blush and then you had a perverted imagination of you and Kiku kissing, touching, and licking his chest. Then you thought about something hot but you were interrupted.

" (y/n) why are you weird?"

"Oh......... you see I'm weird because I like Yaoi couples, stare at people too much, also I am scared of tiny things, and many more."

"Oh......." It was silent the whole time. We finally got to his house and I saw no collection of anything. All I saw was a coffee table, a t.v. and a couch, kitchen, and a cherry blossom tree outside. But that was it! No anime or manga books at all, not even one.

"Uhhh Kiku? Where is your collection of your anime and manga stuff........?" He began to chuckle a little and started walking straight to a door not far from where I was but I followed him, then I saw a lady bug that was up on my arm making tiny fast steps that kinda of freaked me out.

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh Kiku help meeee!!!!!" Kiku turned around and jumped a little. He saw that I was pointing on s lady bug that was on my arm while I was screaming and panicking. He just facepalmed at me and then flicked the lady bug away. Boy wasn't he brave! He probably thought I was stupid. But hey I am weird.......... and I told him i was scared of little things!!!!"

"(y/n) you are really weird!" He said smiling at me.

"Woah.... Kiku your skin feels soft!!!! So irresistible!" You felt his legs and arms with your bare hands and even your cheeks going up and down his skin. He just blushed and stood there completely shocked.

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