My sweet cupcake (Oliver)

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Hi guys today I felt like doing a 2p!England one shot because he is cute and I felt like doing a short story of him and you! So, hope you like Ollie~ X3


         (Oliver x Shy!Reader)

You were running through a forest trying to get away from your loud friend America. You didn't hate him but you did hated when he talked a lot and gets on your nerves. So you kept on running til you were exhausted and tired.

   Your Pov*·*·*·*·*·*(/*~*)/

"I'm s-so tired!" I panted heavily running out of energy and speed, I looked to where I stopped and suddenly I see a very shiny pink diamond on the floor. It looked so pretty and the color was like a cream pinkish color. I picked it up and looked around if anyone was there but luckily there was no people and no America.

I sighed in relief and then I observed the diamond that was on my hands. I looked at it in awe and put it inside my pocket pants. I walked back home and see if America was still there which he wasn't. He probably got tired and went home.

I went inside my house locking the door and sat on the couch getting out that pink diamond. "I wonder if it will look pretty if I put it in water?" I stood up and walked to kitchen and got out a glass from my cabinets. Then I turned on the faucet getting a lot of water and closed it when I was finished. I put the diamond inside the water and I looked at it as it shine very bright.

It was so wonderful to watch a diamond changing into blue? Wait what?! It turned into blue then pink and the. blue again. "I think it changes colors?" It was rather odd that a diamond could change into two pretty color.

Then automatically it shined through my eyes really bright making me look away from the light and I saw that a person was popping out of the diamond breaking the glass apart.

"Wheww I'm finally free~!" He giggled and looked at me as my face turned red and stare at him. "Ello, what's your name poppet?" He lean close to where I was and stared at me waiting for a response "Well, what is it?" I fiddled my thumbs and didn't say anything. I was nervous and I really don't talk much to people I meet at first, so I was completely scared to say anything.

  "Are you shy poppet? Or do you want me to pull out a knife and kill you so I can turn you into a cupcake for my desert, your choice love?" He pulled out his knife and touched it with his index finger at the tip. I gulped and looked at him with wide eyes as I saw him putting the knife close to my neck.

"M-my n-name is __-_______!" I stuttered and closed my eyes and fiddled my thumbs again. I hid my face and blushed, why was I blushing? He was about to kill me!!! He put down his knife and smiled brightly like an innocent person.

"That's an astonishing name poppet! My name is Oliver~!" I nodded and looked at him from top and down. This guy looked so cute and innocent but he was actually evil though.

He had strawberry blond hair and bushy pink eyebrows but not to bushy, he had freckles across his cheeks,  his eyes were like a neon blue with pink swirls in it which I thought were amazingly beautiful, and he was wearing a purple vest with a pink shirt underneath it and a blue bow that matched his beautiful delicious eyes.

He kind of reminded me of England now that I see him but meh this guy was completely different from the England I know.

I squealed in the inside looking at him dreamy and blush thinking of his name Oliver~! I snapped out of my actions and nodded not saying a word.


"Yes~!" I blushed and shivered  as he purred inside my ear.

"H-how w-were you s-stuck in t-that diamond?"

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