These little feelings (DenNor)

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Hiya!!!! I just feel so happy today because I see I have a lot of reads and votes! Idk how I got so many?! X3 I like to thank Ollie_Artie_England for requesting DenNor for the next story because I love Denmark x Norway together so thank you! Oh, and Germany is next Ducky-awesome so don't worry >:3 Just hold on your tits cuz he is next.....I PROMISE ;-;

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(Denmark x Norway)

"Lukkaasssss!!!!" Denmark was yelling at Norway as he jumped on top of the Norwegian. "What? Can't you see I was reading a book?!"

"Who cares, wanna go eat ice cream and go to the park with me?!" Matthias smiled showing a goofy grin and hugged his favorite person in the world, Lukas. "Okay, but you're paying for the ice cream." He stated with a straight face.

Although Norway has always been in love with Matthias, he doesn't show his emotions to him....okay mostly everyone. Norway tries really hard to hold in his feelings and tries not to stutter or blush when he is near him which is why he is suffering so much with his feelings and keeping a straight poker face.

He knows if he lets his feelings and emotions out to Matthias, then he will probably know something is wrong with Lukas and it will cause Lukas to freak out insanely.

Anyways, Matthias grabbed the Norge's hand making Norway blush which luckily he was behind the Dane and took him out of the Nordic's house and go to the park.

  Norway's Pov:>>>>(>/////<)

'He's holding my hand!!!! Again!!!' I screamed inside my head and looked at Denmark laughing and smiling as he ran to the park. I had to run too because he wouldn't let go off of my hand. What does he want from me?

  He could've just asked my little brother Emil to go with him since I see they are really close, and I guess my brother looks cuter than me even though he is too stubborn. Exactly why did he ask me to go.....maybe because he felt like it.

"Nor, I see the ice cream truck...let's go get some ice cream!" He ran faster with excitement on his face which made me smile a little but went back to a straight face so he wouldn't see my emotions.

We got to the where ice cream truck was and I looked at many several ones they had but I only wanted vanilla. "I want the vanilla ice cream cone Denmark." I tugged on his shirt and pointed at the picture of the ice cream.

"Woah really....ME TOO!!! I'll just get one so we can share. Is that okay?" I started to blush to see his face close to mine and nod slowly. "Y-yes that's fine w-with m-me I g-guess." 'Ahh what is wrong with me?! I STUTTERED!!!' Denmark frowned and seemed confused looking at my actions.

"Are you okay Norway?"

"Y-yeah, I'm fine! Just order the ice cream already." I sighed and made sure I looked away from his face. He simply nodded in confusion and began to order one ice cream cone. "H-here I pay..." I gave the dollar to the guy who owned the ice cream truck, then I took my.....our cone and walked off leaving Denmark standing there confused.

'I'm such an idiot! Why can't I tell him I love him?!' I licked the cone and saw that Denmark was beside me all of a sudden as I turned around. "Ahhhh MATTHIAS!! Don't scare me like that you bastard!" I gasped to what I just said and slapped my mouth with my hand. Denmark had his eyes wide open and his jaw was open.

"D-did y-you j-just show your emotion right there?" He came closer and closer to my body and observed my face. I blushed into a dark red and shook my head nodding. "NO! You're probably hallucinating...." I kept my face straight and licked more of the ice cream and hoping he will change the subject.

"O-okay whatever you say Nor, but I'm keeping an eye on your c-cute little face. Got it?"

"Yeah whatever...." 'He just called me cute!' He poked my cheeks as I completely hesitated and made sure I kept my face straight like I said. He took our cone away and licked it making me blush as he winked at me trying to figure my emotions out.

'Is it possible that Norway......likes me?' (Denmark thought to his self and smirked at Norway causing him to blush even more.) "Nor....."


"Do y-you l-like.....this ice cream we are eating!!!" Matthias talked rapidly and blushed as I tried hard not to smile and nod. I took a lick on the vanilla ice cream and it got some on my cheek. 'Just great!'

"You got a little something....want me to clean you up."

"Yeah just go get a napkin over th-" I was caught off because Denmark licked MY CHEEK!!!! I breathed heavily and had a chill down my spine as I saw Denmark licking my cheek then my lips! "W-what a-are y-you d-doin?!" I completely stuttered and I felt heat on my face as Matthias laughed and pulled me into a hug dropping the ice cream cone to the ground.

"Norway I finally caught you! You showed emotions, you showed emotions, you showed emotions, you showed emotions, you show-"

"Okay I get it! Can you please shut up before I slap you?"

"Fine only for you Mr. Blushiestutterlyemotional guy!"

"S-shut up!" I slapped him and crossed my arms as he rubbed his cheek to where I hit him. Then he went to his usual happy side. "Did you like my licks my little Lukas?"

"I g-guess....." I closed my eyes blushing then I felt something in my lips. Suddenly I opened my eyes and saw that Matthias was kissing me! My eyes were now wide enough and thought if I should kiss back. Gladly I did and melted into the kiss. I put my arms around his neck and he put his arms around my waist pulling me closer to his body and I could hear our hearts beating really fast.

I didn't want this moment to end, but Matthias pulled away from the kiss and smiled looking at me sitting on his lap. I blushed and I creepily made my lips cross into a big wide smile which made Denmark laugh ridiculous. "Hahaha you look so cute when you smile like that Lukas!" I pecked on his cheek and made him blush rapidly.

"And you look cuter when you blush Matthias~" I giggled and poked his nose and let my emotions out in front of the guy I love. "Lukas.....I....I-I love you!" I felt my heart pound as Denmark said those 'I love you' words in front of me. "I....I...I love you too.......AND YOU OWE ME A DOLLAR BECAUSE YOU DROPPED MY ICE CREAM TO THE GROUND!!!!"

"W-whaaaaa I thought that was our ice cream?!" Denmark pouted as I smiled and kissed him "It is, but still I paid for that!"

"Well you didn't want me to pay it!"

"Whatever....." I tilted my head showing my poker face to the Danish "Awwww Norway, c'mon use your emotions! Their cute!!" He whined and I sighed in defeat and showed a 'X3' cute face like that. Denmark smiled real wide and said "That's better! Make sure when we go home, you show our friends that we are a couple and that you show emotions in front of me.....Ok?"

"F-fine, but just for you!" I smiled and took his hand as we left going back to the Nordic's house. 'Maybe having an annoying boyfriend isn't that bad!'


Neee I finished! Was it okay? I hope it was cause I couldn't think of nothing with this story and I just don't know if it was cute or naw. >~< But I'll leave it up to you guys and tell me if it was cute or terrible. Wahhhhh I'm sorry it was terrible @Ollie_Artie_England, forgive me!!!! :,(

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