Transformation Kitty (Greece)

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       (Greece x Cat reader)

Once upon a time there lived a cat. Her name is ______. She lives with the handsome young man, Heracles Karpusi. You had a crush on him since the day he got you from the pet shop. Day and night you spent time with him talking and listening, but of course you just meowed and purred. In other times you felt jealous when he paid attention to other cats when he's not with you.

You never fought with them or tried to be mean. You just stayed calm and kept your jealously inside while you watched Greece carrying the kitties and playing with them. You have (choice of color) fluffy soft fur and a very big fluffy tail, and your paws were just perfect.

        Your Pov: \(^*w*^)~

"Meow!" I layed on top of Greece's bare chest quietly on top of him. He was asleep as usual. Heracles always looks so adorable when he sleeps and he also snores cutely. I just wished he would wake up to play with me.

I love to play and spend time with my owner. Other kitties don't like to play with me, they really hate me. They only hate me cause I'm always with Greece a lot of times. I looked at Heracles sleeping so peaceful, looking at his face made me blush and my whiskers jump a bit.

I purred and tugged Heracles shirt with my paws. Lucky for him I don't have sharp big claws to rip his brand new blue shirt or make him get any cuts. Then I went up to his face to lick his cheek to get him to wake up. Luckily it worked! He slowly got up trying not to make me fall. Greece yawned and he picked me up high in the air so he can see who woked him up.

"" He slowly talked opening his beautiful green eyes.

"Meow, meow, meow!" Happily I smiled real wide as he giggled slowly at my meows! Ahh~ I just love how he giggles!

"Ahhh~ you are a naughty kitty waking me up like that _______......always trying to wake me up like that hmmm." He smirked then he stroked my fluffy (choice of color) fur softly with his hand. Blushing at the sight looking at his face made me mew into a soft tone and blush even more.

Surely I wanted to play but I guess humans can't understand cat language. He put me down and got out a cat toy out of his pocket.

"I got this mouse toy for you ______ because you are my favorite cat I've ever had than Larry ((Hehehe remember in that episode when Japan was with Greece with a lot of kitties and Japan was like "This one......what name did you give him?" Then Greece grabbed the cat and said "Uhhhh.....his name is......Larry." picking a name randomly, oh Heracles! :3))"

He blushed and gave me the mouse. I bit on it's ear fighting with the mouse. Greece giggled then he stroked on my neck with his fingers. It made me purr loudly.

"I sometimes wished you were a human so I can actually kiss and cuddle with you all day and make Turkey jealous that I have a cute amazing g-girlfriend......" I blushed very bright and I could also hear my heart beat in a very steady pace.

Could it be that he also likes me as I l-like him too? Of course not, I'm a cat and he is a human...

"Meowwww~" I sat on Greece's lap and licked his hand leaving a scent of fresh tuna. He closed his eyes and smiled 100% adorbs. Again he picked me up and k-kissed me closing his eyes! Well just a quick peck on the lips.

"I l-love you ______!" He stuttered and I felt something weird inside of me, and then a huge spark hit me inside which made me tingle. Suddenly in a flash I transformed into a human! Say what?!! I looked at Greece completely shocked with wide eyes at me.

  My fur was all gone and I had hair on my head. Like a human!!! My (choice of color) fluffy soft fur was now my hair. Totally my hair was very long, it went all the way to my feet. ((Woah now that's long! XD))

My cat ears, long tail, whiskers, and my paws were all gone. I was now 100% human. The only problem was.........I AM NAKED!!! I covered my chest and everything with my bare hands so that Heracles couldn't see.

"__-_____ you're a human!" He was stuttering and blushing like Romano's tomatoes. I giggled while I was nodding.

"Does this mean you will be my boyfriend~" I smirked seductively.

"Y-yes! I always did love you!!!!"

"Yay! Me too, since you got me from the pet shop." I tried to get up like any human does but I fell into Heracles chest.

"__-______ you should be more careful."

"S-sorry, I guess I have to learn how to do human things."

"Hehehe I will teach you." He leaned in close to me kissing me softly. Wow that kiss felt so good! I happily kissed back and meowed at him!

Then with that you two officially became bf and gf. Greece helped you a lot with human learning and he tried to be pervy with you, but you slapped him when he wanted to have s...e....x. At times the kitties didn't know who you were. "Take that cats!" you said to yourself.

It actually made you feel happy when you pet them. They thought you were pretty and they loved you more than Greece. Heh dumb cats right?! Anyways when Turkey came to argue with Greece, you attacked him like a cat ripping his mask off revealing his face to see, then you said to him if he hurts Greece one more time you will seriously kill him.

Like for reals O.O!!! So he did what you said and he never came back to fight Greece ever again because he was scared of you. You spent your whole time with Heracles and loved each other forever.


Meh I felt like doing a Greece story so I came up with this! :3 He is my #3 fav. character! My #2 is England and you know my #1 is obviously Japan!!!

Now I have a question for you!!!! Who is your favorite character??? ;) Well that's all bye~ Imma write more stories...the next one is Prussia!

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