The Panda Outfit (China)

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             (China x Reader)

"No! I am not wearing that China!"

"______ pleeeaaassseee put it on!" You were running away from China because he wanted you to wear this panda outfit he bought for your birthday.

Although you didn't want to wear it because you thought he was going to make fun of you like he did that other time. You were wearing a mouse outfit which made China laugh (Just imagine that! You in a mouse outfit!!! Eeeeeck you will look kawaii!)

That's why you didn't want to wear it. China was your boyfriend too and he always wanted to put cute stuff on you so he can see how kawaii you are. But today wasn't going to happen because you were definitely not going to wear that panda outfit.

You were running around the house as China chased you down. Then you stop to take a break and saw that China had finally caught you. "Pleaseee...I promise I won't laugh at you aru!"

"No, I'm not going to wear that on my birthday! I will be humiliated by everyone!" You crossed your arms and huffed. China hugged you and smiled "Pweeeeassse! If they make fun of you, I'll will karate chop them!" He looked at you with pleaded puppy eyes and man you had no choice but to give up.

"F-fine, only because of your c-cute brown eyes."

"Yay!" He jumped a bit and kissed your cheek making you giggle. You grabbed your present China gave you and went to put it on. When you put it on, you saw yourself in the mirror with a cute 'X3' face. Then you inhaled and exhaled when you open the door only seeing Yao waiting for you to see the costume.

  "Aiyahhh! You look so CUTE!" He glomped on top of you making you fall to the ground and squeal.

"D-do y-you l-like it?"

"Yes, yes I do *-*" He nuzzled on your chest and you were starting to blush and nuzzle back your boyfriend. Then you heard the door knock, you were panicking!

"Ahhhhh they came! I'm going to hide!!!" You got up and tried squirm away but Yao grabbed you and headed towards the entrance door. He opened it and saw everyone was here for _____'s birthday.

You gulped and blushed as they saw you wearing the panda outfit you were wearing. "Awww you look cute ______!" Hungary, your best friend pinched your cheeks and handed you a present. You took it and said thanks as everyone went inside and gave your presents.

Luckily America, Denmark, Prussia, or the loud people didn't make fun of you. They thought it was cute that you wearing that panda outfit. You sat down with Yao and hugged him as he hugged back. "Thank you for giving me this costume! Also thanks for not making fun of me."

"You're welcome, but that wasn't my present I was going to give you ____."

"Oh then what's this for?"

"Just to see you wear it aru!" He giggled as you blushed and yell at him. "Then why didn't you tell me before the party started Yao!"

"Well, I never said you should wear it a day, you did remember?"

"I...I....I s-suppose so but what did you get me?"

"This....." He pulled out a baby panda out of nowhere and gave it to you. "You can be the mommy aru!"

"S-shut up!" You blushed and looked at how cute the panda looked. It had two big black spots on his eyes and a heart shaped black spot on his back. You squealed and kissed Yao on the lips and smiled making him blush.

"It's cuuuutttteee! I love it Yao! Best present ever!" You spoke too loud that America heard and came to you. "Hey what about my awesome present?"

"Did someone say awesome?" Prussia popped out of nowhere and drank beer.

"You only gave me a burger, and it was half eaten by you!"

"Pshhh whatever, the hero was hungry!"

He left and went to annoy England. You saw that China was laughing cute that made you kiss his cheek a bunch of times. "Soooo cuuuutttteee!"

"Nuuuuuu aru!"

"Yesh!" You stroked his cheek with your panda paws and smile. When the party was over and the peeps left, you and Yao had fun together with your new Panda! You even called your baby panda Yao Jr.

You even slept with your panda outfit with Yao hugging you as nuzzled on his chest.


Man, it feels like I did this one short....but oh well, I hoped you liked it and like your o_o GIVE ME THAT PANDA!!!!! *chases you down*

Japan: *bows* Sorry for Brittany stearing your panda. She's a bit crazy and rearry roves cute animars rike o_o GIVE ME THAT PANDA BRITTANY AND ______!!!! *chases us behind*

China: *facepalms* That's all for today and Sealand is next! Byeeee pandas!!!

Sealand: Yay! Finally someone recognizes me! I am Sealand and I want to become a country! >:3

England: Get out of here! You twat!!! >:(

Sealand: No! *sticks tongue out and runs away*

Hetalia (country x reader) & (country x country)Where stories live. Discover now