Hate and Love (Japan)

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              (Japan x reader)

"I hate you!" You yelled at Japan running away from his house filled with anger and frustration. Well it all started when you were at his house watching anime together called Black Butler. "Japan?" You whispered in his ear making him blush and turn slowly to face you. "H-hai?"

"I have a question and I want you to be honest, ok?"

"Sure what is it?" Simply you blushed furiously in different shades of colors and breathed heavily trying to be calm. "Who do you like?" He stood there with a blank face and suddenly reacted at your question. "You won't terr anyone?"

"Promise!" You smiled and pinky sweared with both of your pinkys. He didn't mind you touching him but he also didn't mind telling you things but, telling who is crush is, that's q problem.

"Okay, I rearry rike my sister Taiwan"


"H-hai!" He blushed as you felt your heart crushed, true Miss Taiwan was pretty and act too cute or nice, but you didn't like her one single bit. Taiwan usually pretends to be clumsy or even pretend you hurt her when Japan was around.

Japan never believed you when you said the truth about Taiwan. You just wanted to punch Japan in the face but you couldn't because you liked him.

"But why her?"

"B-because she's sweet and rearry pretty. She is arso nice and has a great personality too."

"Oh" That's all you could say. "No way she is nice, sweet, or have a great personality!!!" You thought to yourself but you faked smiled at Japan.

Months have passed since Kiku told you about his crush, in fact you haven't seen him at all since that day. So, you decided to go visit Japan to see him and hopefully got over Japan too. When you got there, you knocked on the door waiting for him to open it.

He opened the door with a wide smile than usual. "Hi _______ chan! I have a good news to terr you. I was about to carr you but I heard you knock and ran to see who it was, and guess what?! You came!"

"Yeahhhh, Hello Japan! Can I come in?"

"Sure!" You wondered what was the good news and acted strange. Who knows?

"Guess what?!!!"

"What" You smiled sitting close to Japan as his beautiful brown chocolate eyes shined like stars. "I have a girlfriend! Awesome right?" Your eyes went wide open and now you felt your heart sinked and broken this time.

"W-who is it?" You tried hard not to cry by holding them back and act normal and calm. "Taiwan!!! I asked her out and she said yes as she squealed and jump on top of me kissing my cheek!" Seriously?!! You wanted to kill yourself really bad. You could even feel like someone stabbed you in the heart.

"T-that's nice, if you excuse me I h-have to go n-now, b-bye!" You stood up and walked away from his house crying not showing your face to him. Japan didn't know why were you acting like that but he just shrugged and pretend that never happened.

When you finally made it to your house you slowly threw yourself to the ground to your knees and started to cry saying "Why can't you see I love you?" Someone heard you were crying on the ground pulling your knees all the way to your chest.

He ran towards you and tapped your shoulder with a worried look on his face. "Ve~ _______ are you okay?" You heard that familiar voice and you knew exactly who it belonged. You tilted your head up and saw that Italy looked really worried.

"I'm okay Feli"

"But __-_____ you were crying, are you sure you are alright?"

"N-no I just feel really sad." He took your arm and lifted you up lightly and hugged you. "Ve~ whyyyyy, you are always happy _____!"

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