The New Student (Germany)

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Okay here is Germany @Ducky-awesome! Apparently she wants me to do a lemon story on this one and she requested this on a message. Oh, and I'll make sure Puerto Rico x Romano is next @PuertoRico_chan :3

Warning: Has s-e-x lemon! If you don't like to read porn then don't read. It has lemon!


      (Germany x Reader)

  Your Pov:

It's my fourth week of school and I heard a new student will be in the same classes with me. I'm in high school in the 9th grade and I know where all my classes, well except for one because I get lost easily.

I hope I don't get us lost together, if we do he will probably bully me. I forgot to mention that the person is a boy. Although I still don't know how he looks like, but I'm guessing he is taller than me. Well, when I got to my first period class in English class I saw my teacher, Mr. Kirkland was talking to a boy.

This boy had blond hair and his eyes were a color of an icy blue. He was tall and muscular and he was wearing a dark blue T-shirt and black jeans. I tried to get closer to hear what they were saying, then I heard my name. "_______!"

I jumped and saw Mr. Kirkland coming towards me with the guy next to him. "Y-yes sir?!" I stuttered while the boy was staring at me. "This is Ludwig Beilschmidt and he's the one that's all in your classes, so you are going to help him find his classes ok _____?"

"Yes sir! Don't worry, I won't get us lost." He nodded then sat down on his desk as Ludwig looked at me with a straight face. "H-hallo...."

"Oh name is ______ _____! Nice to meet you Ludwig Beilschmidt!" I smiled and sat down in my seat with Feliciano and Kiku. He sat right beside me and he put his books down.

~~~~~~~~~Le time skip~~~~~~~~

"__-_____ are ve lost?" The German spoke clearly as I panicked and didn't want him or me to come late for class. Then I laughed nervously and shook my head. "Hehehe yes! Sorry about that...."

"It's okay _____! I just found the right

class on my schedule and the number says 129 so it should be right over zhere." He took my hand and ran to the class before we come late. I blushed and ran with him 'He is holding my hand!' I hesitated inside my mind and blushed even more.

We finally made to class and I saw everyone was staring at us two. "Ahh ____ you finally made it to class for the first time aru." Mr. Wang stopped writing on the chalk board and he noticed that Ludwig was behind me.

"Are you the new student named Ludwig aru?"

"Ja!" He then began to talk to Mr. Wang as I sat in front of Alfred and ughhh. I just simply hate him because he never leaves me alone at all. "Hey dudette, did you finally get a boyfriend?! Hahaha!!" I felt like punching him because I never had a boyfriend before and he was with me in my old school since pre-school.

Alfred already knows I've never had one and he makes fun of me cause he actually had a lot of girlfriends before in our old school in elementary. Alfred and I were never actually friends, we were like enemies to each other to be exact.

I hate him and he hates me, I never made fun of him before, now that I think of it. Anyways when I ignored Alfred our lesson started and guess what? Ludwig sat in front of me! Yayyyy!!! I can't believe he is sitting right in front of me.

   My Pov:

When school was over, Ludwig and you got to know a little about each other. Who knew he likes to bake sweets? Both of you also became good friends after that. In two months y'all became more like best friends and Ludwig has been having a crush on you since then.

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