Chapter 19

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Chapter 19

Jason finished packing for him, Justin, Alex and Sira. The suitcases were sitting by the door. Justin estimated they had twenty four hours to move before the police were on their way.

Jason's POV:

With everything packed and ready to go, I raced up the steps two at a time to reach Alex's room.

"Alex, sweetie. It's time to go." I said sweetly, as to not frighten her. Her eyes opened and asked what was going on.

"We have to leave. Some very bad people are coming and they're going to hurt try to hurt you and Sira." At the mention of Sira, she jumped and sprinted towards the door. Justin and Sira were already waiting with the suitcases.

"Where's Sira's suitcase?" She asked, turning to me. Justin answered before I could.
"We haven't bought her a suitcase yet. We'll buy her one and clothes when we get to where we're going." He grabbed two suitcases and asked me to carry the third. Alex jogged down the steps, grabbed Sira's hand and was out the door with Justin and I waiting in the black SVU.


Alex's POV:

As I woke up from the tenth nap I've had, I did not realize where we were. The road seem to go on forever and ever. The air conditioning was blasting and I went to shut off my side of air ducks when Jason asked if I was cold. I nodded and said yes. He shut it off.

"So, I don't really know much about you." I admitted to Jason and Justin as pathetic as it seems.

"Well, I was born March 1st, 1994." He said as his brother interrupted.

"I was born April 2nd, 1995." He said.

"I was born July 5th, 1999." I said emotionlessly. Then, it got quiet. My eyes went heavy and once again, I fell asleep.


Alex's POV:

Someone was tapping my shoulder while saying, "Alex, get up. We're here."

"What?" I answered, confused and somewhat angry that someone had woken me up from my slumber.

"We're here, sweetie." Justin said, getting out of the vehicle. He came around quickly and opened my door like a valet person would have.

"Thank you." I smiled while sticking out my hand. He took it like the prince he was.
"Justin. Are you going to h-help me?" Jason seemed out of breathe.

"In a moment, Jason." He said in between clutched his teeth.

"Go help him." I said. He went to help him with the bags.

"Where are we?" I ask them.

"Arizona." Jason and Justin said.

"Okay." I simply said because I knew there was nothing I could do about the situation.
I knew I had no control. No control at all. I just smiled and let these two strangers walk me into  this hotel room along with a five year old girl.

A/N: Now, they're in Arizona! What do you think will happen? Any ideas? Comment them below! Don't forget to vote if you liked it! Thank you for reading!

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