Chapter 52

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Chapter 52

The lights are out. Sira is whimpering msg keeps saying, "I'm scared," over and over. Justin is searching for his phone in complete and utter darkness. Alex trying to get the lights to turn back on to no veil. Sira screams.

Justin's POV:

When I finally find my phone, I get that flashlight app on. I scan it through the room. There's no Sira.

"W-Where's Sira?" I ask, panicking a little.

"I'm right here, Justin." Sira's tiny voice says. She's shaking uncontrollably. The lights suddenly turn back on.

There's a huge blob of blood dripping down Sira's arm.

"WHAT HAPPENED?" Alex suddenly yells, extremely concerned.

"I-I d-don't k-know." She says, with tears in her eyes. The blood drips down her shirt.

"It's okay. You're okay. Let's get you cleaned up." Alex picks up Sira and walks over to the sink. She washes the wounds every carefully.

"Justin, can you get me a bandage?" She asks. I race over to find a first aid kit. When I found it, there was a note.

The dark isn't very comforting, isn't it? Hope Sira's arms get better. I made sure to put in extra bandages. She's going to need them.


"Alex! We need to move as soon as possible!" I say to her frantically as she bandages Sira. She looks at me with a death glare.

"Look at this note." I hand her the note I found in the first aid kit.

"What the...?" She mummers under her breathe. Her eyes get big. She quickly bandages Sira up and tells her to get in bed and that she'll read her a story.

"We need to get the fuck out of here." She saids, once Sira is out of sight.

"Yeah, no shit." I nod, agreeing with her. Alex doesn't curse but when she does, I know it is serious.

"I'll find research places and do that stuff." I say, running to my computer.

"We don't have much time. I'll pack everything and check us out." She says.


Alex's POV:

It is midnight in Japan and we have just arrived at a small, seemingly unknown airport.
"What are we doing here?" Sira asks, the tiredness and confusion evident in her voice.

"We have to move again. Some bad people are after Justin and we have to move." I really hopes she gets the point.

She just stares and asks, "are there beds on the plane?"
"Thank you." Justin says to the security guard handing him back his identification card.

"Let's get to safety." He walks through the airport with a backpack. We follow him with our own backpacks on our backs.

A/N: Thanks for reading!

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