Chapter 39

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Chapter 39

All three went to bed. Alex could not sleep. The big hole in the wall was staring at her like it was taunting her. It was a reminder that Justin was no better than Jason.

Alex's POV:

I have been awake for two hours with that big, stupid hole staring at me. Inside, I am wondering if all of this was a big mistake. I am wondering if I should go back to Jason and face his wrath for leaving him.

I sneak out of bed to go to the restroom. I wash my hands but I hesitate to go back to sharing a bed with the man who tried to murder me with a kitchen knife. I am too tired to think about anything so I crawl back into bed and hug him while hoping for a better day today.

"Good morning sweetheart." I felt a kiss on my temple. I smile a little and let out a little laugh.

"There's that smile I was hoping for." He laughs a little, as if he had completely forgotten about the night before.

"I should check on Sira." I say, wanting to get away from this monster. He stops smiling but let's me go.

"Fine, but I'll be waiting for when you get back." He saids, forcibly smiling. I nod and quickly going to Sira.

I come back with Sira in hand. Justin's face lit up when he saw her.

"Hi Juju!" Sira made grabby hands for him to hold her.

"Hi sweetie!" He said, grabbing her from me. My mouth frowns as her smiles grows. I start feel sick as this monster holds this child that I had grown to love.

"Justin, we need to talk." I say firmly. Their faces fall as Sira leaves the room and closes the door.

"What was that last night?" I do a power stance to show him that I am serious.

"What are you talking about?" He asks, playing dumb. I roll my eyes at his stupidity.

"You cannot be serious right now. Are you serious right now? You cannot be serious right now." My voice gets a little louder each time. He stares at me blankly.

"Oh my God." I mumble under my breath. I grip my hair out of frustration.

"You know what? Never mind. It's not that important." I chicken out of confronting him to keep the peace.

He nods and leaves the room. I am left there; completely confused on how he forgot almost killing me. I don't understand it, at all.
But I do know one thing. I need to get out of here.


Alex's POV:

I pack all of mine and Sira's things in a small, red suitcase Justin had bought for me because I said I wanted to go shopping. I was finishing up and zipping up the bag. My hand stopped mid zip.

What if this is the wrong decision? Where would we go? We don't know anyone in Italy. Or Europe, for that matter. How would this affect Sira?

I unzip the bag and quickly unpack and put everything back where it belongs. Maybe what Justin did was a mistake. A really big, stupid mistake but a mistake none the less.

A/N: AHHH! You were so close Alex! Are you as mad as I am? Let me know what your thoughts are. Don't be a silent reader! Vote!

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