Fusion and rage

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Frostwing punched d.frostwing but shy came and punched him. "How are you this strong?" He ask. "Training with darkie who is way stronger than you or your friends and she be the one to kill your precious nui." She said and was hakai by Austin and beerus. She had a smile on her as this happened. "Adam it time." Dark frostwing said and had a potara earing. "NO!" Yelled Austin, frostwing, and beerus dash at them then widen their as frostwing was getting into a position. "Solar flare." He said as huge light happen. Adam grab dark adam and was about to finish when suddenly d.frostwing kick him in stomach as his counterpart shot his omega beam at him. D.frostwing give d.adam the left earing as he put on the right one.  They merge causing a light over them. This being after the light died, had clothes similar to zamusa, had red eyes and had pink hair but with a red and pink aura around them. "I'm neither frostwing nor adam. I'm dark  frostadam." He said and looked at frostwing and the gang. "Hey frostwing, I find nui just like I promised." I said coming in. "Thank you." Frostwing said with a smile as I give nui to him. We looked up and saw that dark frostadam was making a spirit bomb. "No." Adam said and went full power. He charge a a kamehameha and so everyone else. We shot our kamehameha. It made a bigger kamehameha but it was absorbed making the spirit bomb bigger than ever. "This is the end." Dark frostadam said and sent at us. We all held out our hands and caught it. We holding at bay but dark frostadam eyes narrow, making the bomb smaller and start sucking us in. I pushed them out of the way as I was sucked in. "MAURICE!" clover and frostwing yelled as I smile at them.

The explosion throw everyone away. Dark frostadam landed with a smirk. "One down, so many more to go." He said as he pick up my glasses.  "You jerk." Frostwing growled as his body was shaking. He let a roar as new aura was around. He was in a super saiyan super saiyan  god of destruction. His blue aura was around but he had his god of destruction aura around him. "Impossible." Dark frostadam mumble and got in a fighting stance. "SHY!?" yelled darkie as she ran to what left of her sister. "You can't die! You have regeneration." She said as tears were falling. "(What is power?)" Everyone thought as they sense a high power. "Be good." Shy said as her body faded away. Darkie let a scream. Everyone felt bad for her. "I lost everyone." She said as a very dark aura start to form around her and her eyes going pure white. "(No)" Austin thought. "She can't have it." Adam said though grinding teeth. She let a roar as dark light happen.

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