finale battle

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Adam, frostwing, clover, and Austin stare at dark frostadam who was smiling at them. He shot a ki blast at them. "Come on, you all. Show me what you got, especially you, frostwing." He said and hold up nui who was unconscious. Me and darkie stared at them so I want back into a base form and she did. "We go after them." Darkie said

Adam went into super saiyan orange 4, Austin and beerus went full power, clover got out her syth, and frostwing growled as he look at his wife. Clover charged at him and swing his leg as adam shot a kamehameha at him but he moved to the side and punched kamehameha and grab clover's leg but forgot she had a syth. Clover swing it but he ducked as he lost some of his hair. He growled and punched her. Beerus suddenly appear behind and punched him to Austin who tail slap him back to beerus who kicked him to adam as he dash at him grab his leg and throw him to ground. Dark frostadam got up and shot a omega blaster as everyone moved. He dash at adam and punched him then teleport in front of beerus who quickly throw a punch but he caught it and start to twist but was stopped by frostwing. Frostwing charged at him and kicked then shot a galick gun at him but the evil counterpart was protected by a energy shield. "I underestimated you all. So with that being I go to full power." He going into legendary super saiyan rose. He charge at them as they charge at him with a battle cry. Adam swing his foot at his side as Austin shot a kamehameha at him on his back then clover slice his right side off. Beerus grab his neck and slammed him then throw to frostwing who punched him with a dragon fist. Dark frostadam got up and charged a death ball at them. "I got this." Said adam walking up and looked at him while charging a final kamehameha. "Holy wrath." He said and with two fingers, he sent at adam. "KAMEHAMEHA!" Adam yelled and shot it as it clashed with the holy wrath. Adam pushed his beam to full power, cutting through it and surprising the fusion. the explosion was huge. After that dark frostadam was shocked but immediately shook it off. He charges at adam but kicked by Austin. He growled and punched him in stomach and grab clover by the leg and slam her to ground. Suddenly, his body start to disintegrate. He looked and saw that beerus and frostwing had hakai him. He realized that he fell for a trap. He growled in anger as he was no more but not before throwing nui to lava. "NUI!" Frostwing yelled and went after her.

"I got the hulk. I heard he ridiculous strong. Well, it time to see what I still I got in me." Goldie said as he walk to green man. "Hulk crush tiny gold bear." Hulk said. "Goldie, are you crazy?! He'll crushed you without even trying." Yell bunny as she punched a ultron unit. "I know. " the gold bear said and got in a fighting stance.

Hulk charge with a battle cry as goldie dash at him with a battle cry. Goldie suddenly appear in hulk's face and punched him, stunning him. Hulk shook his head and punched goldie in face, making the bear go through 2 buildings straight. Goldie groan in pain and got up. Hulk jump in front of him and throw a punch but goldie dodge it and kick him. He punched the green man to the  ground and shot energy blast at him. Hulk suddenly grab him and start to squeeze. Goldie scream in pain but was saved by knuckles. "You did good, old timer." He said as goldie closed his eyes with a smile. Knuckles put him back to group and lay him down. Knuckles return and saw the hulk getting up. He dash and attack him with multiple punches. Hulk blocked his last one and punched him in air and jumped. He grab the echidna and slam him on the ground. Hulk roared at anyone to challenge him. Knuckles got up and brushed his shoulder and get in a fighting stance as natsu appear. "Hey, looks like you could use some help." He said and got in fighting stance as fire form around him. Knuckles dash at while going to his hyper form and natsu followed behind. Knuckles punched him while natsu shot his fire dragon roar at hulk. Hulk growled and jumped at them. They move as the ground shocked when he landed. The hulk punched knuckles but was kick by fire foot by a pink hair boy. He throw a punch but natsu ducked and uppercut him in the jaw then was punched in back by knuckles. Natsu jump high in air and bring his fists on hulk face. "You can't hurt hulk." Hulk said getting up. Knuckles shot a energy wave at him as natsu fired a fire dragon roar. Hulk scream in pain but pushed through. He grab them both and slam them on the ground multiple times and slam into each other. Knuckles drop kick him and grab his legs and start to spin him around then throw him to a building. Hulk roared in fury and charged at the echidna but clashed fist with natsu who had a smirk on his face. "Pink hair boy strong but hulk is stronger." He said. "Well see and IT SALMON!" Natsu yelled and shot a fire at hulk who just took it. Hulk clapped causing natsu cover his ears in pain due to his sensitive hearing.
Knuckles saw this and tackled hulk stopping the thunder clap. Natsu fell to the ground but saw fire. He smiled and eat it. "Much better." He said and bring his fists together as small fire went fire. Knuckles and hulk clashed fist, knee, and heads. The echidna ducked as hulk throw a hook and uppercut him. "Lightning fire dragon mode." Natsu said as lighting and fire flow around him. Hulk charged at him but the fire mage punched with his lighting fire dragon iron fist. Hulk growled in pain. Knuckles crashed into him and start deliver punches. Hulk's body start to glow green and punched knuckles off him, hard! Knuckles groaned in pain as hulk walk to him, causing earthquakes.  "You break buildings pretty good but hulk breaks WORLDS!" Hulk yelled as his body  glowed green.  He dash at knuckles and punched him. Knuckles yelled in pain. He got up and swing a kick at hulk but the green man grab him and slam on the ground.  Knuckles got up but fell back down.  Natsu came to the rescue and punched hulk in back.  Hulk growled and charged at him but
Natsu jump and roundhouse kick him in the face. Hulk grab his face and slammed him on the ground then throw him but not before natsu fire a lighting fire dragon roar. Hulk roared in pain and got on one knee. Natsu saw this and punched hulk with his lighting fire dragon iron fist, changing him back into bruce banner. Natsu pass out.

Austin suddenly sense a very strong present. "Oh no." He said as everyone looked at him. "Cthulhu is coming." He finish as everyone but me and darkie.

In the ocean

A gate open as red eyes open. Cthulhu swim up to the surface. He flapped his wings and took flight. He was flying very fast and came to our view and landed.

Everyone closed their eyes but me cause I was confused. "Why everyone covering their eyes?" I said as cthulhu looked at me. I suddenly scream while grabbing my head. Everyone looked at me in alarm. I start to maniacally laugh and snap my fingers. Cthulhu was suddenly gone. "Maurice?" Godzilla fearless ask. I looked at him. He saw I had no life in my eyes.

"Cthulhu, D*m him. I forgot to tell Maurice that when you look at him you lose your sanity." Austin said sweating as I looked at them with a creepy grin. "Let's play."  I said almost laughing. No one dare to move as I had still a smile on my face. Suddenly, adam, frostwing, clover, Austin, and nakano(IrohaNeo oc) walk up with serious face. Frostwing gave nui who was fine and still unconscious to gray and told him to protect him with his life.

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