Happy birthday MLPFan001

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Frostwing walk into the pizzeria and was shocked to everyone when gifts.


Frostwing: thank guys.

Frostwing looked to his left and saw that the avengers and justice League come out with gifts.

Cap: happy birthday. *give frostwing his gift*

Hulk: hulk happy it's frostwing birthday. *hands frostwing has gift.

Thor: greeting frostwing, here a present from me and my father. *give it to frostwing*

Frostwing was shocked at what he got , it was a sword that could turn into any weapon he need.

Frostwing: thanks guys.

Maurice taps frostwing's shoulder.

Maurice: here comes your present, right now.

Adamia( female adam belongs to choyfider) walk in.

Adamia: happy birthday, frostwing. *hugs him*

Frostwing: thank you, adamia.

Maurice: big brother, here me and shay's gifts.

Frostwing opens it and saw a ps4.

Frostwing: thanks guys.

Shay: don't thank me yet. I'm going to fight you after the day pass.

Frostwing: *smirks* your on. *see Maurice walk out with two gift in his hand* where you going, Maurice?

Maurice: *sly* I-i-i going to give this to someone. *leaves*

Nakano: where is he going?

Frostwing and adam: *smirks* we know where.

Unknown location
Dark frostwing open his door and saw two gift with his name and Dark adam on them. He pick them up and saw a note on his

Happy birthday d.frostwing
P.s, your not the hype.

From Maurice

D.frostwing: I AM THE HYPE! *open his gift*

He was shocked that he got a Nintendo switch and 3DS and happily smiles and shook his head.

D.adam: That boy is something.

D.frostwing: he sure is.

Back at pizzeria
Maurice came back.

Nakano: *Motherly glare* WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN?

Maurice: life.

Nakano: *Punches him in head*

In another universe
A man with gray gravity define hair, sneezed.

Kakashi: someone been using my excuse and I'M SO PROUD!

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