Louder than words

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"Emily stop this." Maurice said. "No. And meet your older sister, Emblem." Emily said, pointed to a girl that looks similar to her. "Hello, Maurice." Emblem said. "I don't know or remember you or emily." He said with a straight face. "HOW COULD YOU FORGOT ABOUT US!? WAAHH!" She cried. "Maurice, clover, take on emily while we take on Emblem." Nakano ordered. "Hai. Frostwing, stopping staring at my sister." Maurice said, looking at frostwing who was blushing while looking at Emily as the rest of the inner gods came.

Emblem went into super saiyan rose, along with ghost. She charged at them as she and adam shot their heat vision at each other. She stop her's as frostwing try to punched her and try to kicked him but explode when nakano throw a purple card. Adam who went super saiyan orange and clashed fist with her. She blast him away with lighting from her mouth and blasted by nari's fire.  "Lucky shot. She growled and shot big bang attack but frostwing blocked it.

Meanwhile, clover and Maurice who exited out of his dark sonic as Emily appear in front of clover and form a ki blast. Maurice quickly appear while going to his blue spiral ray mode. "I like that. Maybe I take it." Emily said as exited out of her form and  moving her hair out of way, revealing her red eye. "Take away." She said.
Brown scales start to appear on her arm, feet and beneath her eyes. "( her power spiked.  It can't be)" Maurice thought with wide eyes. "Uh, this is stronger than my others form. This is a one of the legends. The legendary blue hyper spiral ray mode." She said as she grinned. "Crap." Maurice said. She aim her hand and shot a blast at her brother who dodge it. Clover power up and had dragon like wings.  Emily then shot multiple blast at them. Clover flapped her as maurice got ready to run. They charge while that happen, Maurice slide under one, jumped over one and kicked one to the ground as clover blocked them or smacked out of the way. When, they came closed, Maurice form fire around his hand and punched her but she caught both of their fist. A blue glow from her tail went up to her hair and ear then shot a large atomic ray. "Clover, kick me with everything you got." Maurice said, Turning into a ball as his best friend nodded. She kicked him and shot a magic blast, helping him go faster. Maurice and beam clashed as lighting flow out of the power. Suddenly, Emily appear and slam Maurice ground then grab him by the neck and held him as the beam came out. As the smoke clear, Maurice was on the ground, bleeding. Clover growled as a struggle Maurice got up. "I had no choice but use that form." He sigh. "Godzilla force: FINAL WAR!" He said as his eyes turned orange and hair turned white, scales around his arm and cheek. "Are you ready, clover?" He ask with a voice that had authority.

Meanwhile, Emblem shot multiple chaos spears at the inner gods but they dodge. She growled and disappear and punched nakano as she was uppercut in the stomach. She form a chidori and lung at adam who had a supreme thunder dragon fist ready and clashed causing explosion. She then form a rasengan as frostwing was behind her and throw at him but he jumped over it and kicked over the head. "Give up, you no match." Frostwing said. "Never." She hissed, struggling getting up and shot her human extinction attack at them. Suddenly, ghost came out and start trading blows with her as frostwing shot multiple ki blast. "Galactic Hellzone grenade." He said. "( That is so a cool name)" Emblem thought as ghost disappear and huge explosion happened. Emblem was again on the ground, hurt. "Let's dance." She said seriously as went burning godzilla mode.

While that happen, Maurice and clover stood side by side as emily had sinister smirk. They nodded their head as eyes met. Maurice charged then disappear but not before leaving a fire in the ground as clover did the same. Then, Maurice shot a ki blast at emily but missed. "You missed." Emily said and jumped back as clover was behind her. Sweat start to form on her. "( How come I couldn't sense her)" She thought as she dodge a kicked from Maurice who then wrapped his tail around her leg and throw at clover who charged a magic blast as she stopped and throw punched but clover moved while grinning, confusing her. Suddenly, she was set on fire by ground then blast by energy. "Your going to pay for thi- Ah!" She cried as ki blast hit her out of nowhere. Maurice then appear and kicked her without a  word. She growled as maurice and clover held their hand at her. "I surrender." She whispered as maurice exited out and hugged her.

The same thing happened to emblem but she unleashed a large burst of energy. Her back was cover in orange light as she smirked at them and let out a sinister chuckle. "It's over." She said and throw a very powerful eraser cannon at them, causing a explosion. Frostwing went into his super saiyan god of destruction as ghost went into ultra instinct. They both fire an attack but she went through it but was blasted nari. She then crushed by Maurice who left flashed orange and looked at her. "Give up or else." He said. "Or else what?" She growled then regretted as he put both of his hand on her stomach. "Last chance." He warned. "No!" She sweat as a steamed came from Maurice's hand.  Everyone tensed at Maurice's action. "(Was he going to do it)" They thought. Emblem on the inside was scared to death! She never seen this side of Maurice before. "HAHAHAHA!" She laughed as Maurice start tickling  her. "Stop! I surrender, I surrender!" She yelled, causing everyone to fall at the two.

At pizzeria
Emily and Emblem met everyone but emblem didn't get along with darkie and deathzilla.

Maurice: *eating cookies*

Emily: can I have some?

Maurice: No!

Emily looked at clover.

Clover:  b*tch, No! *holds her oreos close to her*

Frostwing: here you go, Emily. *hands a cookie from Maurice's*

Emily: thanks you, uh, frostwing was it?

Frostwing: *blushes* yeah. *got pushed by Maurice and kissed emily*

They both pulled back.

Emily: that was enjoyable.

Frostwing was shocked and looked to see Maurice who had thumbs up.

Frostwing: *thoughts* he knew!?

Mira had a glow in her eye as she saw this.

Mira: idea.

Wendy was in her room eating cookies then turned as her door was kicked by a angry boy and scarlet woman.

Wendy: Yo. *continue to eat cookies*

Maurice: *^-^* fat.

Wendy: WHAT!?

Erza has left the building.

Wendy cracked her knuckles as she looked at Maurice.

Next day
Maurice: AWWW!

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