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As I open my eyes, I stare directly into Ty's adorable face still sleeping. I get up careful not to wake him and to find Marcus who had apparently gotten up earlier. "Marcus!" I whisper yell quietly through the house. Thank goodness my family is out of town on a cruise. I get sea sick easily. I walk to the bathroom and see Marcus SHIRTLESS.  I have never had so many rushing hormones happening in my life.  I can't help but stare at those washboard abs. Perfectly toned and I can't seem to look away.
"Payton," My eyes widen. "Payton your staring at me."
"What? Sorry I just... I've never seen you without your shirt." He just looks at me "Sorry that came out wrong"
"It's fine..." He leans closer to me, I don't move away and his lips are almost touching mine. He leans so close our lips brush against each other's. That's when he crashed our lips together. I immediately start to kiss back as pushes me against the wall and then of course just as it was getting good Ty walks in. His bed head is halarious.
"What's going on?" He asks sleepily. I'm still against the wall with Marcus pretty much on top of me. I move out from under him and past Ty to the kitchen where I grab some cereal. I start to eat and Ty comes down the stairs. "Were you making out with Marcus?" He asks.
"But I saw it you were against the wall and he had take his shirt off. You should be glad I stepped in, I don't think you could handle Marcus if it got 'that far'." He puts air quotes around 'that far' and I look at him.
"Ty... What ever you saw up there just now is done. He started and I played along. I needed to kiss someone after that douche Max."
"I guess you're right," he slowly turns to walk away and I run up and jump on his back. He tilts forward then runs up the stairs to my room dropping me off on the bed.
"Ty, can I tell you something?"
"Yes you can tell me anything."
"I just," I pause for a moment. " Your the biggest dick ever to live and I hope you know that!" I say in a taunting voice. He runs up to me and tickles me until I can't breathe. "Ok I'm sorry. You're not, your my bestest friend Ty."
"Oh I know, now Take a shower and change your clothes, you smell!" He wafts his nose and runs back downstairs.
"I do not" I say to myself.
Marcus and Ty had been over all day playing laser tag and having water balloon fights in the back yard and slashing all the water out of my brand new pool. Man, I swear I could stare at them all day. Wow, I'm a creep.  I yell out the back door "Do you guys want to go to Teh's party tonight!?"
(Texts: Payton, kat,ember,Maddie)
P- you guys coming to tehs party tonight?
K- uh duh 🙄
E- nope never
M- Sure and ember your coming. Is ryan going to be there?
P- don't know I'm guessing he will be
M- good I'm totally playing 7mins in heaven with him
P- good luck with that. Oh btw Marcus and Ty are carpooling with us.
P- please????
K- fine but if they get on my nerves they can find their own way home
P- deal
As I was getting ready to go I heard the front door burst open. "GUESS WHO HERE TO PICK UP THE PARTY PEOPLE?!" Kat, that's who. I quickly throw on my high waisted ripped jeans and black halter crop top and I run down stairs.
"Boys! Are you ready?" I yell.
"They're  already in the car" Kat says as she pulls me out the door.

#Romanciful (DISCONTINUED) Where stories live. Discover now