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"Calm down, Rocky." I say. "I have leverage too,"
"Really?" He says.
"Remember when that girl at school got pregnant?"
"Yeah but what does that hav-"
"She never said who the father was now did she." I say smirking.
Ty lights up grinning. "Ohhhh, I forgot you had that power!"
"XrumorsX is back in business!" I yell. XrumorsX is a twitter account that I stared a few years ago but haven't used in a while. I've ruined all the people I hate's lives with that account and now it's Marcus's turn.
"Let's start off easy, how about we  start by saying hey guys I'm back!
You know cause it's been a while." I say.
"This is going to be awesome!" Ty Beams.
"Remember when @aaashton got prego? Yep me to! I know who the father is! But I can't tell you yet because I want you guys to guess amongst yourselves. But one hint is that he goes to MVHS!" I say in a sassy, valley girl accent.
"Dude, Marcus is going to Lose his shit."
"I know it's awesome."
As I walk down the halls I hear whispers, exactly what I want. But the fun has just begun.
"Why is XrumorsX back?????" Kat asks.
I smirk. "Because I have some revenge to give."
"You've got to be kidding me!" She says as she walk away.
Out of the corner of my eye I see Marcus, walk over. I shake my head and give him a death stare.
"Go away!" I whisper yell.
"No you bitch, why is XrumorsX back?" He sneers.
" you'll see, now go away fucker." I say and turn to walk away. He has no idea what's about to hit him u his pretty little face.

#Romanciful (DISCONTINUED) Where stories live. Discover now