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"SHIT! Shit, Shit! Agh!!" I yell, stressing because my parents are home.
"Whoa why are you so stressed!" My sister says as she walk into the house.
"Uh no reason." I lie. "I'll be in my room," I says quickly and head up the stairs. I see Marcus sitting on the bed. "You couldn't find a better hiding spot?" I whisper yell. "What if my sister came in here?"
"Well then she would find out her sister was hooking  up with a pretty cool guy." I roll my eyes.
"Are you serious? That's your answer to my sister asking why the hell is there a guy in my bedroom?" He gives me the look. "No we're going over to Kat's and staying over there,"
"Fine." He states.
"Ok let's go. My parents are asleep so be quick and quiet." I whisper to him.
"Ha that's the way I like to fuck, quick and quiet." I have never rolled my eyes so hard in my entire life.
"Not the time." I say as we creep out the door.

Payton: headed over to ur house r u home?
Kat: yep but teh is here with some friends and it got kind of out of hand, more of party actually, sorry.
Payton: Ugh🙄 ok be over in 5.
Kat: kk

We get to Kat's house and find that not just Teh Is there, the whole freaking boy squad. Teh, Jackson, Zack, Zach, Max(eye roll), Jack, Jeremy T.,Jeremy P., Camden, Trevor, Timmy and a bunch of others. The person who sticks out is Ty. He's there and I know he knows I'm here with Marcus. He warned me about something that didn't happen, won't happen. I try to shoo Marcus away but he won't leave my side.
"Marcus, I need to talk to Ty." I say annoyed. He knows I've been trying to get him off me.
"Fine..." he cusses under his breath and walks away.  I walk over to Ty who is obviously annoyed.
"What do you want?" He snaps.
"Look I know you don't like me and Marcus hanging out, but I have to tell you-" he cuts me off with a kiss, but not just a kiss, this kiss is passionate. He breaks away and stares at me his eyes roaming my body. He wants me. I stare into his crystal blue eyes and tangle my fingers in his blonde curls, pulling him in for more. Then, I see Marcus out of the corner of my eye, making out on the couch, with Madie Holmes and I lose my shit.

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