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At they party Teh comes around the corner and takes Kat over to the kitchen, probably getting drinks and making out. I walk in to the house and my group scatters. Maddie and Ember head into the huge bulge of people to look for Ryan and Ty and Marcus start to dance and get drunk. I headed over to the kitchen to find Kat and Teh making out with drinks in their hands. No surprise there. I grab a drink and head out to the dance floor and search for Ryan with Maddie and Ember. Once we found him Maddie went with him to the back yard. Then it was just me and Ember. She eventually started to loosen up and went to the back yard to hang with Kate and Elisa. I was by myself, then I feel 2 hands at the base of my waist I spin around to see Max. That sneaky bastard. "Get off me!" I yell. And I punch him in the face. He steps back in shock, clearly drunk and comes at me again. This time Ty steps in front of my and gets a blow to the face. All the sudden the whole party is staring at the fight that's happening. Marcus pulls me away from the fight, but I turn my head to see Teh pulling Max out of the house and Ty running over to me to see if I was alright. It felt like slow motion.
Later, after we kicked Max out and cleaned up Ty, we played spin the bottle. First in the closet was Jack and Sadie. Then, Teh and Kat, I know something happened because you could hear the moans, it was halarious. Next, it was Ember and Hayden. Ew, they just talked the whole time. Then, it was my turn, it landed on me and Marcus. Ty didn't want to play because of his busted lip Max gave him. Marcus and I headed into the closet and he gave me that Lustful look I'd seen the other day. I now knew what that meant and I wrapped my arms around his neck. We connected lips and He then picked me up by my hips and I hooked my legs around his waist. He then pushed me against the wall and during this we never broke contact. I then proceeded to take off his shirt. Whilst this going on, our tongues battled for dominance in my mouth and I let him take over. Finally, the door opened. We walked out, our lips swollen and throbbing. He never did get his shirt out of that closet but I didn't mind. I could see Ty was glaring at me so walked over to him. "Hey Ty, what's up you seem mad."
"Oh I'm just pissed because you just  sucked my bro's face off and vice versa. I could see when you looked at him going into that closet, you wanted him. Your eyes flickered. They do that when you want something."
"It's just a game Ty it's ok it was a one time thing. Wait... are you jealous right now?"
"No. I mean I may have to get stitches in my lip because of your crazy ass ex boyfriend Max. But whatever kiss Marcus and not me."
"When we get back to the house..." I pause looking into his blue eyes, "I will kiss you. My Protector."

#Romanciful (DISCONTINUED) Where stories live. Discover now