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We went back to Ty's place and I stole one of his T-shirt's to sleep in. "I know this is weird, but, I really like you and I want to be with you all the time." Ty says.
"And..." I say.
"And I want you to be my girlfriend," He says.
"Of course, Ty." I say kissing his cheek. He flips us over on his bed so he's on top and kisses my lips.
"I have to go, babe." I say.
"Aw already?" He pouts.
"Yes my mom will kill me if I'm not home soon."
"Fine but come back later." He says, kind of needing, I guess.
"Of course."
"Mom!" I yell as I walk into the door.
"WHERE THE HELL HAVE YOU BEEN?" She yells walking over to me and grabbing me. She drags me up to my room and sits me down on my bed. "Where were you?" She says calmer then before.
"Uh... Kat's." I lied straight through my teeth.
"Stop lying and start speaking. I'm your mother I can tell when you're lying." She snaps at me.
"Fine I was over at Ty's house."
"Why? Not that I don't like that boy but still why?"
"Uh project." I say, lying again.
"Did you notice that when you Lie you say UH before you talk!"
"I didn't notice until now."
"Did you two drink?"
"Do you two, you know, do it?"
"No mom stop!" I say annoyed.
"Well then why were you there? If you weren't drinking, popping pills, smoking weed or having sex, what's the point."
"Mom I love you."
"I know and don't tell you father I said this stuff."
"Don't worry I won't" I smile as she leaves the room. I text Ty...
P- hey I'm coming over later
T- please it's actually really boring without you
P- what r we gonna do about Marcus?
T- idk
P- well aren't you a big help
T- I am just not in this way
P- ok sure
T- see ya later

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