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"Payton, babe, you awake?"
"I am now." I respond to Ty.
"You look tired." He says.
"Gee thanks Ty," I say sarcastically. He was hovering over me and I wrapped my arms around his neck. He leans down and kisses my lips.
"Ty!" I hear from the front door.
"Fuck," he pauses and closes his eyes for a second, "my mom is home,"
"No shit Sherlock." He pecks my lips one more time and throws me a hoodie. "Thanks babe, you read my mind"
"Well I'm not going to let the rest of the world see you naked now am I," He winks at me and I smile at him.
"I need to head home before, wait what time is it?" I ask.
"Um, 11:00 am. You slept a long time."
"Ok I got to go but I'll see you later. My mom is going to murder me." I wave bye to his mom as I run out the door.
"Mom! I'm home!" I yell. "Mom? Where are you?"
"Out here honey!" I here from the back yard. I look over and see my mom, in my bikini, in the pool. I quickly revert my eyes and head up to my room. I proceed to do my weekend home work.
I wake up and get ready for school. I put on a pair of black leggings and Ty's black sweatshirt that I still haven't given back yet. My mom has already left for work and my sister is already gone to school. It's just me. I pull out my phone and call Kat. "Can give me a ride to school?... What? But why? Ok fine I'll call Ty then." I hang up and call Ty,"babe, can you give me a ride to school?... thanks love you ," Ty will be over in about 5 minutes so I can quickly eat breakfast.
I am standing at my locker talking to Kat. "I know right, Ty has football every Thursday."
"Yeah Teh is devotes to foot ball too, everyday!"
"Haha" I see out of the corner of my eye, Marcus looking at me with THE LOOK. I give him the death stare and he walks over to me. "Are you retarded? That look was to get you to get out of my sight not come closer." I snap at him.
"Look I need to talk to you." He says.
"Because you bitch, you know my secret and I need you to keep it."
"The fuck I will."
He is almost at a whisper now "I swear, you whore, you have no idea how much leverage I have on you." With that he walks to class.

#Romanciful (DISCONTINUED) Where stories live. Discover now