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"That bitch I swear, if she's setting me up so that I look like I banged that Slut!" I yell at Wyatt.
"Dude Payton's a smartass and always gets what she wants. If I were you I probably wouldn't have fucked up so badly." Wyatt lectures.
"Shut the fuck up before I beat your ass....nevermind act natural, she's coming over here." I see Payton walking down the hall.
"Hey Payton!" Wyatt says.
"Hey Wyatt!" She says back and gives me a dirty look.
"Bitch.." I say under my breath.
"You, my not-friend, are the definition of bitch." She sneers. I swear she's got superhearing or something. "Now if you'll excuse me I have to get into my locker that you are leaning against."
"Oh sorry." I say instinctively.
"Oh look who got some manners, isn't that something Wyatt?" She says sarcastically. Wyatt nods in agreement. I just roll my eyes and walk away.
"Ugh I swear." I tell Wyatt.
"You guys really got some beef going on don't you?" He asks.
"Yeah, I'm kinda tired of it but he started this and I'm not going to let him win."
"Payton you are a badass." Wyatt says walking away.
"Duh," I roll my eyes and grab my things from my locker.
Ugh this class is boring, I think to myself. "Ty!" I whisper yell across the desk isle.
"What?" He replies.
"Do you have Gum?"
He smirks knowing what I mean.
"Oh yeah baby!" He whispers. When Ty and I speak of Gum it's actually dirt on people we don't like. We made up gum when we were in 7th grade I'm pretty sure.
"So Ty, what did Gum did you get?" I asked while we were walking to our next classes.
"On who?" He asks.
"Um start with Marcus."
"Ok, well, in 8th grade he vaped in the school bathrooms."
"That's not helpful."
"Ok he was a major pill popper in-" We hear people yelling. "What the fuck is going on?"

#Romanciful (DISCONTINUED) Where stories live. Discover now