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"That was awesome. But Ty is going to be really mad at you,"
"I know but I don't regret a single minute of that," Marcus said that with a smirk.
"Ok mister cocky pants, it was one time AND it was a dare." I say, emphasizing the AND. I put my clothes on, fix my hair and head back out to the party. Everyone stares at me like I've got a tarantula on my head. "What?" I say, my stomach churning. Ty turns to me and whispers in my ear.
"Come to the back yard with me," He states. I nod and go with him.  "Did you two actually, like, you know?" I look at him, my cheeks burning at the thought. "I thought so," he says, obviously annoyed.
"I'm sorry. He kinda took over." I say still blushing.
"I know how he gets. He could have hurt you." He says getting protective.
"Wait, what do you mean by 'could have hurt me'?" I say confused.
"When he wants something he takes it in the worst way possible. He gets to rough with girls and they end up hurt in the end" he says.
I tear up the slightest bit at how caring he actually was for me.
Ugh I hate writers block. Sorry for the short chapter. ~EvilaEvanchee

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