-2- call it what you want

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(At home)To be honest am not good at making friends. so .......maybe no one can be as close as rebbica to me .yes rebbica!. The girl i knew in grade seven ,after breaking up with another girl for silly stuffs and blah blah blah such an unimportant story, like who is silly to listen to me ,so now and after what happened! ....what happened i don't know seriously! .maybe i was dreaming so it is good enough to say am crazy and start to spreading rumors .but i don't care like i always say (rumors told by haters-spread by fools-believed by idiot-so live your life and don't care for them )and also (three kick them out of your life 1-haters2-cheeters3-fake people )so it is too late to shuttle me like the previouse years .Yes i used to be week and brokend but now am diffrent .somthing in me had beated fastly pushed over me and kicked my brain to get up .went difficult but i don't need to change for people .yeah i won't .i'd prommessed mu self for some things but maybe not now the time would show how diffrent i'am now but! Am i strong enough to stay at my prommisses huh maybe ,maybe. But hey some things in me still should change .my tears which i sometimes can't handle .umm maybe i should face my self am week.but am not week .what is it oh my lord why again lost in endless maze .like what to do to change my personality?,wait!,why do i even change?why can't they love me in the way I'm.so wierd they say .okay you really didn't come with me in that endless maze blah blah.ok i will go to school yh am not afraid.

(At school)ok such a nervouse feeling.oh god,ok huuuh,can i just take a deep breath, oh god.why is every body staring at me heh am not that special.oh come on if i understood .it would've been better ,huh ok when will the lesson start.so wierd i never loved the studies,did i start loving it?,no impossible i still hate physics and math!,huh yes maybe i don't want to see more people looking at me as the wierd girl at school,omg and they tells me i want atention !,i do have atention !if no, why every one is staring on me nothing is diffrent then every day.any ways-that girl cora,i hate her hardly hardly!actully she does hate me too .but why she coming to me?.ok no problem why should i be afraid ,Hi!said cora!she was talking nicely this time heh what happened..any ways i replied hi, am good ,and you?oh my god why did i say am good she didn't ask about my sitiuation wish she did not hear it. Yes am good thank you so what is your plans for week ?oh will she go out with me bit i don't have any week plans i'll stay at home stare at my phone oh my god what should i say? Yes i said !am going to the park ,the one close to our home ..heh yes ! Oh really she said and she started loughing !which park ?the one for crazy people like you ,lol ,gurl you r so so silly .i stayed silence for a while like i never expected this from her ..from any one .i went away and cried.so that every one was looking on me ,becouse they think am crazy ,ok i'm really scared of spirit and monsters and they are real ,am not crazy!but you call it what you want !

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