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      YES MARK  how are you I said softly

       Am good and you ?he said while going steps closer to me

      Am doing well I said while taking a step forward and hug him

    Let's go to a restaurant and complete our talk he said

     Okay I said smiling



      I don't know what was this feelings which caught me was it my heart or my blushing face again

     I feel this love but I will say no
No because I got enough haha and so I would like him to be my friend like I will for sure friend zone him


     We arrived in the restaurant and asked for something to drink we actually had no topic to speak about so we kept on staring and being quite

       Well that's not normal , we always had topics to talk about but wow, we both grew up grew matured

     Um so how is the university goin'? I say  it is good he says well I'll be a doctor

      I'll be an engineer haha

    Well he says I see both of us had to constraint on his studies

       Yes and follow the IGCSE  rules

      Haha well am glad you passed I would've failed

       I felt like I was in a prison opened prison , all these words which don't have an explanation all that fear

     All this feelings all but nothing as good , all was cleared by one soft tear just like that

      Did you forget ? Said Mark

    For-get what ? I say


    About our love ? He says

     Oh this I think I might had forgotten it already I say


    And I think you must forget it too! We both have no interest to feel the same - pain or tears- or are you ready for more

     Why are you sure it may repeat? He say

     It won't repeat but am not ready for it to continue

     What are you talking about what will continue?

     The lie I was living the fake path I was walking in and am fed up, you are fed up
And both of us are not ready to continue

      Am not even ready to continue any subject which makes us any thing more than friends only

     And by the way am in Germany the next week ,and till that I don't want any sadness

    Ok he said and went out the table see you later

     I think I was so raugh with him and I shouldn't ve been like that

      I was okay any way but it was a little breaking I felt done with this day and I went straight back to the hotel

      And I easly slept , all what I missed was him but why , as long as we are away am sure I'll be okay soon

     But this day was disappointing enough for me but all I wish is to be okay soon

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