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      As I arrive I can watch all my friends and my mom standing somehow since the morning

      ' my precious baby came, screams Lilli

And so....
I blush 😊

       Perrie, hi ,lovely, thank god bby 😍😍😍 yes she arrived, wow  - my daughter , perrie , thank god you're safe , was the most words I heard at the moment I arrive I was happy am safe , I was happy they are safe

       I looked up to the sky and stayed quiet for a while and prayed slowly in me , then I went beside the bag and pulled it behind me

       I walked to my friends and hugged one by one even my mother , but when it came to Lilli she didn't want to leave me

     Guys it's a week? I miss you too by the way.... ☺☺

  By the way , I have a big huge plane for








       But can we talk about it tomorrow cause am so tired just can't walk or talk or anything else

      As I arrive home I sleep , I wasn't even able to change my cloths or bath,
I was so tired as I travelled for too long
And I'd rather to sleep now

Rebbica :-

       Oh what could it be ? I say

      Well you know perrie has the craziest ideas so you can expect any thing from her says Fiona

    But it doesn't bother me as I was called with u so I will know sooner or later  says karla

       But it could be crazy listening to her right? Says Lilli

     Well haha I know her a long time ago and one thing didn't change which is her crazinessss , so... Yeah Lilli you're right haha

After a long while😊

     Finally she woke up uh , now we all want to know what sort of secret is she hiding now , or what's her idea today

      Perrie tell us your ideaaa ?? I say

     Yea sure, so about my plane or idea I chose my best friends to join me in this ,so its you rebbi , Lilli, Fiona , karla , Jared, and Alex

       Ok? Says Lilli

       So I want to travel complete my studies in Spain and I want you guys to be with me so... What do u say she said

Ugh I wanted that I love the idea at least we won't be alone

Yeah that's it life away from Germany I am already fed up of being here but will we fix on there

Am okay with it , and I am sure I'll be safe with my friends


Wow never exited as now , I would like to go to Spain for three more years

I don't know how I reacted to her when she said it but am still in shock


Well for me it all depends on rebbica, I mean she's my best friend

   What do you say? Says perrie

       We can't decide we all scream

     Well it's fine you have until tomorrow's night please decide, and tell me , I will book the tickets for me  by tomorrow so please decide says perrie

Sure perrie all love I say am going I'll tell you tomorrow, see you lovely

We'll go too perrie says karla , we'll be here tomorrow

     Bye..... Says PERRIE



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